You have me heard talk here at Apprising Ministries about how apostatizing $evangelicalism$ is now passing your youth through the fire of Molech. For example More Cross-Less Christianity of the Emergent Church and Ingrid Schlueter and I also talked about this on *Crosstalk: Christian Mysticism*

How sad that we are trusting youth ministry to men like Rob Bell and Erwin McManus and Dan Kimball and Doug Pagitt and Tony Jones who are all a part of the neo-liberal cult of the Emergent Church.

In this piece below Dr. Gary Gilley takes us through many of the practices of contemplative spirituality which flowered in the antibiblical monastic tradtions of apostate Roman Catholicism.

In this critical work Gilley writes:

I would like to examine yet another powerful fad now making the rounds of evangelical churches, what I call “mystical youth ministry.” Perhaps the strongest promoter of this philosophy is Youth Specialties… [promoting] a mystically-oriented youth ministry which has at its heart contemplative prayer…a type of prayer not found in Scripture.

Biblical prayer is rational. It uses the mind and words and often involves the emotions. Contemplative prayer is super-rational – it “relies not on words, study, and reason, but on silence, prayer [the contemplative variety] and imagination…” While no such prayer is encouraged in Scripture, it is the heart and soul of classical mysticism.

You can read the rest of this excellent article from my friend Dr. Gary Gilley right here.

Here also is a video about Solomon’s Porch which is the emerging church where Doug Pagitt is pastor. Here in this piece, put together by a member of Solomon’s Porch, you will see what this Emergent rebellion against the Bible is all about: