On the front page of Apprising Ministries and its outreach site Christian Research Net you’ll notice the logo for the Reformata Blog Network of which both AM and CRN are now members. RBN is made up of a growing number of Christian bloggers dedicated to bringing the Body of Christ vital information the Church needs in this rather tumultuous time in which we live.

And as Ingrid Schlueter of Slice of Laodicea explains:

The posts from cooperating blogs are automatically loaded into the new site as they are published. Just click on the headline to go directly to the feeder blog. This is a one-stop place to read not only Slice posts, but those from the Christian Research Network, Reformed Voices, Lane Chaplin, Apprising Ministries and the Always Ready Blog. This site provides the opportunity for Christian bloggers who share the same burden for biblical truth to increase readership and get exposure for their own blogs. We’d like to see the site grow to the glory of God. The mission statement of the site gives a clear statement of purpose:

Because the Church must always be reforming, we believe we must ever be analyzing our faith and practice and adjusting it into greater conformity with God’s unchanging Word. This involves defending the truth by addressing and exposing error, false doctrine, and sin within the body, as well as edifying believers through the clear proclamation of biblical Truth. This must always be done circumspectly and humbly, yet boldly and with Scriptural clarity. The cancers of sin and heresy must be condemned for what they are, yet the antidote, God’s grace in the Gospel, must always be presented. It is for these purposes that the Reformata blog network exists. May God be glorified in using weak vessels such as ourselves to proclaim the glorious Gospel of his Son.

Semper Reformata