If anyone comes to you and does not bring this teaching, do not receive him into your house, and do not give him a greeting; for the one who gives him a greeting participates in his evil deeds.
(2 John 10-11, NASB)

Comfort Must Also Warn The Word Faith Heretics On Their Platform

Of verse 10 of our text Dr. John MacArthur has written down the proper Biblical understanding when he informs us:

John’s prohibition is not a case of entertaining people who disagree on minor matters. These false teachers were carrying on a regular campaign to destroy the basic, fundamental truths of Christianity. Complete disassociation from such heretics is the only appropriate course of action for genuine believers. No benefit or aid of any type (not even a greeting) is permissible. Believers should aid only those who proclaim the truth…
(The MacArthur Bible Commentary, 1973)

And over at Slice of Laodicea Ingrid Schlueter is quite correct in her piece Ray Comfort MUST Warn to Be Faithful when she says:

The issue of whether Ray Comfort should be warning the attendees of the heretics conference where he will be speaking next week is not going away. Ray must do more than share his evangelistic message. God has already spoken on these wolves. (Online source)

Ingrid brings up a couple of notable examples in her post of men like Michael Horton and R.C. Sproul who confronted these Word Faith wolves with whom Comfort will once again share the platform and were then roundly denounced and cursed by these pernicious purveyors of counterfeit Christianity for doing so.

Apprising Ministries also draws your attention to what was said below on Trinity Blasphemy Broadcasting Network about men like Dr. Walter Martin who had spoken out a couple of years before concerning what he labeled “The Health and Wealth Cult”:

To hell with you! Get out of my life! Get out of the way!…I say get out of God’s way! Quit blocking God’s bridges or God’s going to shoot you if I don’t…I don’t even want to even talk to you or hear you! I don’t want to see your ugly face!

…I think they’re damned and on their way to hell; and I don’t think there’s any redemption for them. (Paul Crouch, Praise-a-thon, April 2, 1991.)

Yes, Lord, I’ll do it. I place a curse on every man and every woman that will stretch his hand against this anointing. I curse that man who dares to speak a word against this ministry. But any man and any woman that raises his or her hand in blessing towards this ministry, I bless that man. I bless that home! I bless that family.

…Under this anointing, the words I speak cannot fall to the ground. Under this anointing, everything I say, happens. (Benny Hinn, Praise The Lord, TBN, September 10, 1999)

And yet for the third time Ray Comfort has once again been asked back to share the platform with close associates of these men and who preach the exact same heretical doctrines.

It does give one pause to wonder just how strongly Comfort has warned these Word Faith wolves—if at all—of their attempts to destroy the basic, fundamental truths of Christianity with the false non-gospel of health and prosperity and their “born again Jesus.”

Strange Baptist Fire has also weighed in today with their heartfelt open letter to Ray Comfort as well.

See also:

Ray Comfort to Speak at Word of Faith Conference