By Ken Silva pastor-teacher on Dec 15, 2008 in Current Issues
As one whom the Lord has given a shepherd’s heart, and that particularly for young people, I can’t read letters like the one below without getting angry. However, my anger isn’t directed at the people who write me letters like this—literally every day. No, my anger is at those who began and continue to perpetrate this Emergent Church rebellion against Sola Scriptura.
And if you don’t think this is what it is I refer you to Phyllis Tickle And The Emerging Church: It’s Not If Sola Scriptura Ends But When. These people have long ago abandoned fidelity to the Word of God in the Bible; simply, and willfully, refusing to acknowledge its final authority. The tragic fact is that when evangelical leaders embraced such as Doug Pagitt and his postliberal pal Rob Bell they had no idea of the terrbile consequences to come.
The fact is that like a spiritual version of the Titanic the “unsinkable” evangelical community thought it would be able to toy with corrupt Counter-Reformation Contemplative Spirituality/Mysticism (CSM) passed off as Spiritual Formation by Living Spiritual Teacher and Quaker mystic Richard Foster and his spiritual twin Dallas Willard without any consequence.
Proud and arrogant allegedly “Protestant” evangelicalism boasted nothing could penetrate its outward shell of Christianity. Well, God is not mocked and what one sows they reap. Sow spurious spirituality gleaned from the antibiblical monastic traditions of apostate Roman Catholicism—which so grieved God that He raised up the Protestant Reformation—and reap false converts who are blind spiritually.
Well, it grieves me deeply to receive emails like the one to follow from young people whose spiritual lives have been raped and pillaged through fables invented by purveyors of this Emerging rebellion against the Bible. And the sad truth is that these Emergent liars and dreamers have actually turned people away from the truth and instead turned them aside to myths as evidenced below.
What you’re about to read is really very typical of what many of us in the discernment camp receive from young people all over the world who’ve quite literally been brainwashed by these teachers of a counterfeit Christianity with pseudo-60’s anti-establishment skubalon, which actually originated within modern theology aka liberal theology. And what do we have now: Postmodern i.e. postliberal theology.
Now what follows has about as much to do with the historic orthodox Christian faith as did first century Gnosticism. And as a matter of fact, if you really look closely, you’ll see that the so-called spiritual formation of CSM is really nothing more than a repainted/reimagined version of Gnosticism itself:
Your critique on Rob Bell seems to be a critique on Christ himself. Typical pharisee language coming from the religious who are out of touch with God’s Spirit. Rob Bell and teaching like his helps to refocus God’s people on God’s love once again, instead of legalism and spiritual superiority. If you are blind to this, I’m sorry to say you may be blind by the very Spirit of God’s love (just like the pharisees). Pray hard. Look deep into your soul and the truth of scripture. Understand the context of scripture rather than the uneducated and mis-interpretted assumptions of any given word or phrase. Your words are hurting the cause of Christ and dividing the Body with slanderous accusations that are certainly not of Christ and the love of God’s Spirit. My heart aches at your hurtfullness and lack of understanding of what God wants us his people to wake up to. Please pray. Please put on the eyes of love. Please stop being scared the way the pharisees were when Christ came into their world… eventually crucifying him. I’m afraid you may be doing the same thing. Your religious structures are being shaken so that the radical love of Christ will break through once again. Wake up! please. Get rid of fear and embrace the radical love of Christ.
See also: