By Apprising Ministries correspondent Chrystal Whitt of Slaughter of the Sheep

Psalm 86:11-12: (NASB)

Teach me Thy way, O LORD; I will walk in Thy truth; Unite my heart to fear Thy name.  I will give thanks to Thee, O Lord my God, with all my heart, And will glorify Thy name forever.

Glenn Beck is all the rage among evangelicals these days.  For those who don’t know, Beck has is a conservative radio talk show host and has a show on the Fox News channel.  His popularity has grown exponentially since the Obama take-over in the White House and our trek into big government and socialism. 

Now evangelicals are embracing him as a beacon of hope in this dark hour.  Okay, maybe that statement is a little strong, but as it were, the Beck phenomenon is hitting a fevered pitch among some church leaders despite the fact that Beck is a proud and vocal Mormon.

Megachurch Pastor Jim Garlow, of Skyline Church, now pronounces Glenn Beck saved.  But Beck is a Mormon, you say?  Sure.  But that doesn’t matter now because he’s getting the attention of the government and his voice carries weight among social conservatives.  He’s making waves, and church leaders are grabbing onto Beck’s coattails to ride the waves with him.  Who cares what Beck believes, those seven mountains need to be conquered (dominionism) and he’s getting it done!

But Beck, despite being Mormon, is now being embraced by over 2,000 evangelical leaders, among whom are Gloria Copeland and John Hagee (both Word of Faith teachers).

This is from the Christian Post:

Before deciding to stand by Beck, evangelical megachurch pastor Jim Garlow said he had to do a lot sorting and watched Beck as closely as he could.“I have listened and watched very carefully regarding clues to Glenn’s spiritual condition,” said the lead pastor of Skyline Wesleyan Church in La Mesa, Calif.

“I have interviewed several people who have been with him and have talked very specifically with him regarding his own personal salvation,” he added.

And according to Garlow, Beck has said “unequivocally” that that he relies on the atonement of Jesus on the cross for forgiveness for his sins.

“[A]nd those are almost the exact words,” Garlow recalled in a five-page memo released this past Tuesday. “Few people use the term atonement. Glenn did. “

Garlow also credited Beck for laying out “the clearest explanation of the crucifixion and the resurrection that I have ever heard on national TV” about a month ago.

Even prominent Southern Baptist leader Richard Land was reportedly surprised to hear the Gospel so clearly on secular television.

“I have interviewed persons who have talked specifically with Glenn about his personal salvation – persons extremely well known in Christianity – and they have affirmed (using language evangelicals understand), ‘Glenn is saved,’” Garlow reported. “He understands receiving Christ as savior.”  (Source)

Garlow pronounces Beck saved just because he uses the right buzz words and says the right things, despite the fact that Mormonism is not Christianity, and the Jesus of Mormonism is not Jesus, the Son of God from Scripture.  The Jesus of Mormonism is Lucifer’s brother who has no power to atone or save.  The Mormon Jesus is a false Jesus.  Here is how Garlow wiggles around that problem: 

Still, Garlow made it clear that he doesn’t see eye-to-eye with Beck on a number of things, including theology. But the megachurch pastor noted that everyone’s theological understanding is off and that only the most arrogant would say that its 100 percent perfect.

So, this pastor says no one’s theological understanding is 100%, and those who say it is are arrogant?  This man isn’t a pastor, he’s a wolf that the Scriptures warned would arise from within the church and would devour the sheep.  God didn’t leave us in the dark about His purposes, nor His plan of salvation.  If we can’t really know what God’s plan of salvation is with 100% accuracy, then God is a derelict and unjust God.  This can never be said of God, for He left us His clear and easily understandable Word contained within Scripture.

Garlow goes on to say:

“Here is my question: if your theology is off slightly, but you still trust exclusively in Jesus Christ’s death on the cross for your salvation, and in his resurrection, are you still saved? Going to heaven? Yes,” Garlow argued.“How far off might your theology be – and yet still trust exclusively in Jesus Christ’s death on the cross for your salvation, and believe in his resurrection – and still be saved? Is it 10% or 15% or 20%? Or what?”

So, theology can be a little off and still be sound?  Still have the power of salvation?  Does this mean that Garlow believes there is salvation in the Mormon doctrine?  He may not realize it, but this is exactly what he’s saying.  If Glenn Beck is saved, then anyone in the Mormon church is saved and the Mormon church is just another “Christian” denomination, it’s just a little off.  See how fast this can snowball?  According to Garlow – a PASTOR – theology isn’t really that important.  But, once you start compromising the integrity of Scripture, the whole truth of the gospel has been maligned and what you’re teaching becomes a false gospel.

But before the rally even began, knowing there would more than likely be objections from Bible-believing Christians (and rightly so), Garlow took a defensive posture and defended himself by distributing a five-aged memo entitled, “In case some criticize you for attending the Glenn Beck Rally – since he is a Mormon.”  In that memo he says:

“Glenn Beck is being used by God – mightily,” Garlow wrote in the memo, which was obtained by CNN. “The left loves to slam him and do so viscerally and often with vulgarities. Glenn is not perfect… But his expose on America’s sins is stellar.”  (Source)

The more Garlow speaks, the more he damns himself.   This isn’t the first time Garlow has joined hands with Mormons.  According to the same article cited above, Garlow partnered with Mormons in California to help pass Proposition 8, a bill that would outlaw gay marriage (which has now been reversed by a liberal judge). 

We’ve entered an era where apostate pastors are focused more on accruing power and advancing their political agendas than they are on winning lost souls by sharing the powerful gospel of Jesus Christ.   For a pastor like that, sound doctrine won’t be important, not if they can throw out theology for the sake of socio-political gain; but a true pastor will hold fast to the true gospel of salvation regardless of political climate, and will have as their central focus Jesus Christ and Him crucified.  They won’t bargain, they won’t compromise, and they won’t waiver.  I like what Brannon Howse said regarding this issue:

“The Apostle Paul warns Christians against uniting with unbelievers in spiritual endeavors,” Howse wrote. “While I applaud and agree with many of Glenn Beck’s conservative and constitutional views, that does not give me or any other Bible-believing Christian justification to compromise Biblical truth by spiritually joining Beck.”


I do believe Glenn Beck is sincere in his beliefs, but sincerely wrong.  Horribly wrong.  Please pray that he would come to know the true gospel of Jesus Christ and that God would grant him repentance unto salvation.

For an insightful expose on this matter, please click here to read, “The Next Great Awakening…or Great Deadening” on Herescope .

Edited to add this video by Todd Friel:

This post appears in its original form with a comments section right here.

See also: