By Ken Silva pastor-teacher on Aug 10, 2012 in Current Issues, Features, Steven Furtick, Word Faith
By Christian Research Network Associate Editor Erin Benziger of Do Not Be Surprised…
This is a repost of an original article on Do Not Be Surprised…
In WF Heretic Rod Parsley Calls Steven Furtick “One of Nation’s Most Influential Young Leaders,” the reader was alerted that the heretical Word Faith gospel continues to subtly weave itself into the fabric of the visible church. It seems that James MacDonald’s Elephant Room 2 and the subsequent embracing of prosperity preacher T.D. Jakes may have opened the door and welcomed these aberrant teachings into the mainstream.
This continued and growing acceptance of Word Faith teaching and teachers continues to be demonstrated, even in a blossoming friendship between young, evangelical pastor Steven Furtick and notable Word Faith heretic Rod Parsley.
Apprising Ministries first alerted us of this friendship by sharing the following:
I think Steven Furtick reveals quite a bit in his tweet. First of all, he informs the world that he’s watching the heretical Parsley at the time; and secondly, the exclamation point tips us Furtick’s likely excited to hear from him and apparently wants Parsley to know about it. (Source)
We since noted, however, that Furtick and Parsley’s mutual admiration for one another had broken beyond the boundaries of Twitter:
Source Rod Parsley believes that Steven Furtick is “one of the nation’s most influential young leaders.” He is influential, to be sure, and apparently is himself being influenced by some dangerous men.
Source Let us take a fresh look at this “preaching machine” who apparently has enamored and inspired the young, popular, influential Furtick. Today, Rod Parsley would tweet:
Source This link leads us to this web page, wherein we can view Parsley’s latest episode of “Breakthrough.”
Source This 9 August episode is entitled, “Power to Get Wealth,” and, in a nutshell, Parsley teaches his viewers that God desires them to be financially prosperous. He also reveals to them how it is that they may gain this wealth: by sowing a seed to Rod Parsley’s ministry. Yes, Parsley encourages viewers to sow a “wealthy place seed” and to give that seed an assignment, just as Jesus had a specific assignment when sent to Earth. Listen as Parsley spins and twists Scripture for his own gain:
[mejsvideo src=”” width=640 height=360]
Rod Parsley may be a “preaching machine,” but the preaching that he is producing is nothing more than typical Word Faith heresy. So it is that we must ask Steven Furtick and others who appear to be subtly embracing these types of teachers, is Rod Parsley’s teaching biblical? In the clip above, did he properly interpret and teach God’s Word? Is this the direction in which you desire to steer your megachurch empires?
The true body of Christ best be prepared, because this type of heretical, Word Faith teaching is no longer merely on the fringes of professing Christendom. It is infiltrating and has infiltrated the visible, evangelical church. This New Downgrade continues to plunge ahead, with very little controversy to act as speed bumps along the way.
Further Reading
James MacDonald Proud to Have Rick Warren, Mark Driscoll and Bill Hybels Endorse “Vertical Church” Book
The Resurgence Revives Rick Warren’s Man-Centered Mythology
James MacDonald Celebrates 35 Years of T.D. Jakes
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