By Ken Silva pastor-teacher on Sep 17, 2012 in Current Issues, Features, Word Faith
By Christian Research Network Associate Editor Erin Benziger of Do Not Be Surprised…
This is a repost of an original article on Do Not Be Surprised…
We first were introduced to Christine Caine on this site in “Code Orange” Speaker Christine Caine, and since that time she quickly has become a darling among professing evangelicals, especially the seeker-driven segment. Havingwon the praises of men like SBC megachurch pastor Jack Graham and popular SBC Bible teacher Beth Moore, Christine Caine is rapidly gaining influence. Pastor and author Max Lucado has likened her to Esther, Paul and Mary, and Steven Furtick went so far as to allow Caine to preach the Sunday morning service at Elevation Church this past January.
With this burgeoning popularity, then, it ought to behoove us to learn some of the sources of Christine Caine’s inspiration. What pastors influence her?
We know that, in the recent past, Caine has expressed admiration for pastrix Sheryl Brady of The Potter’s House North Dallas. In fact, Caine went so far as to deem Brady “flat out the best chick PREACHER of the word!”
Source As was documented in Vice-Prelate T.D. Jakes to Speak at ‘Holy Convocation’ of Oneness Pentecostal Organization, Brady is considered by Word Faith heretic T.D. Jakes to be one of his “spiritual daughters.” Perhaps it is preaching like this that Caine finds so electrifying and Jakes finds so praiseworthy:
Further influencing Christine Caine, however, is well-known Word Faith teacher Joyce Meyer. Caine already has told us that she loves Joyce Meyer, but today we learned just how deep that affection may run.In a two-part tweet earlier today, Caine would reveal that she actually considers Joyce Meyer to be her “spiritual mother.”
Source Caine is speaking here about preparing a message for the upcoming Love Life women’s conference held each year by Joyce Meyer Ministries. This year’s conference features Christine Caine and Joel Osteen as speakers, among others.
Source If Caine considers Joyce Meyer to be her “spiritual mother,” then, just what type of spiritual nourishment is being provided by Meyer? While she may be slightly more subtle in her approach to Word Faith teachings than others, there is little doubt that Joyce Meyer nevertheless is guilty of propagating some of these heresies.As an example, here we can hear Joyce Meyer teaching the heretical “little gods” doctrine:And here she can be heard teaching the unbiblical notion of positive confession:Why is any of this significant? As was stated out the outset, Christine Caine has rapidly gained influence with some of evangelicalism’s most popular and influential leaders. Yet, if she herself is being influenced by someone like Joyce Meyer, to the point that she would deem Meyer to be her “spiritual mother,” then this ought to cause raised eyebrows and growing concern. It has been demonstrated that Caine herself mishandles Scripture, so when we add to this fact a glowing endorsement of Joyce Meyer, we ought to be nearly blinded by the mass of red flags raised.Further Reading
The original appears here.