The other day in the Apprising Ministries piece Elephant Room Curator James MacDonald And The Elephant’s Debt I directed you to a website called The Elephant’s Debt: From Exodus To Jubilee, which presents some pretty troubling documentation concerning Harvest Bible Chapel (HBC).

If you didn’t know, Elephant Room curator James MacDonald—founder of Harvest Bible Fellowship—is senior pastor of HBC. I’ve also told you that since ER 2 we’ve seen cracks within HBF and sources inside HBC tell me there’s also unrest within MacDonald’s HBC itself as well.

There are also those who are quite disappointed with the drift of James MacDonald, e.g. with the rise of Emerging Ecumenical Evangelephants And The Word Faith Movement, because MacDonald and ER 2 co-host Mark Driscoll really do seem to be forming an ecumenical magisterium.

I’ve pointed out before that a number of the members can be seen in this advertisement for the Acts 29 Resurgence R 12 conference, which wraps up today. We find ER co-hosts James MacDonald and Mark Driscoll along with ER1 vet Graig Laurie and synergistic Seeker Driven generals Rick Warren and Craig Groeschel:


A track running parallel to all of this is the embrace of Word Faith prosperity preaching megachurch pastors like T.D. Jakes and his good friend Joel Osteen by members within this magisterium such as prophet-leader Steven Furtick. My take is they all have in common huge budgets to maintain in this difficult economical time.

Would it really be much of a stretch to consider that the MacDonalds and the Driscolls wish to learn how to bring in the big bucks a la the Jakes’ and the Osteens? In addition to syncretism with WF mythology such as these are all set up in the occultic vision-casting prophet-leader models so common in hyper-charismatic WF circles.

It starts as the prophet-leader ardently studies the holy writings of like-minded prophet-leaders who’ve come before him. Then, filled with lofty dreams of church-planting stardom, the prophet-leader meditates upon his hero’s works until finally the delusion arrives; his vision quest concludes as he receives his extra-biblical “vision.”

This vision, allegedly from God, reveals how the prophet-leader’s supposed to help make God’s dream come true. After that the prophet-leader then selects his hand-chosen yes men disciples and they accompany him before his congregation where prophet-leader lays down the law casts said vision before this flock.

Now the faithful are duly bound to do whatever it takes to make the prophet-leader’s delusion of grandeur come to pass. Remember, since the prophet-leader claims his vision is from God, to argue with him is to argue with the LORD God Almighty Himself. There is no provision for correction here; it’s essentially a spiritual dictatorship.

Little wonder why they’re all beginning to drift together. With all of this in mind then, you now have the proper vantage point of the battlefield as I point you to the following clip from Pharisectomy, which is the October 8th edition of the Fighting for the Faith program of Christian apologist Chris Rosebrough of Pirate Christian Radio.

Not surprisingly, Rosebrough notes below that—just as some promoted by this new emerging ecumenical magisterium—MacDonald’s now beginning to remind us more and more of a “money-grubbing televangelist” type:

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Further reading