Recently in No Apologies Necessary! on Apprising Ministries I wrote about a piece by Pastor Timmy Gibson called Why Christians Suck. Here’s a related article from Extreme Theology in which Chris Rosebrough writes:

Relevant Christian, a blog dedicated to ‘staying current with today’s culture, has a post entitled ‘Why Christian’s Suck’ written by Timmy Gibson that rails against pharisaical Christians who violate John 8… in Timmy’s way a thinking preaching a message of repentance of sins to non-believers violates the message of ‘love’ and those who do so are ‘sucky Christians’.

After reading his post I thought that Timmy’s reasoning contradicted scripture, especially as it relates to Paul’s preaching of the gospel. So I decided to ask him to clarify his position.

You can read Rosebrough’s excellent look at the subject of repentance in the Gospel message in its entirety here.