On the back cover of Tamara Hartzell’s excellent expose of Rick Warrenand his Purpose Driven $new evangelical$ religion In The Name of Purpose the question is asked, “Is the Purpose-Driven movement joining the world in sacrificing truth on the altar of unity?” Hartzell herself points out:

Today’s Christianity may be having a lot of fun in its new way of thinking and behaving, but this isn’t a game. Eternal souls are at stake, and the departure from the faith is real. Jesus Christ is being presented as a way of relativism rather than as the way and the truth, and the faith is being presented as an ever-changing method or experience that can be inserted into any faith.” (385)

Apprising Ministries is pleased to present the link to Humanism Achieves Immense Popularity which is chapter of Hartzell’s online e-book where she says:

The Purpose Driven Life has been founded very firmly on unscriptural man-centered theology, philosophies, and traditions. Yet Rick Warren’s Purpose-Driven Paradigm and its “manifesto” are sweeping hundreds of thousands of churches around the world… The fact that hundreds of thousands of churches, tens of millions of people, and hundreds of millions of dollars are part of this movement says absolutely nothing about it being of God. That a humanistic movement which twists Scripture in order to align with worldly “wisdom” is enjoying global popularity in churches is merely a sign of our times regarding the tremendous lack of knowledge in today’s Christianity. Humanism has become so commonplace and accepted that not only are its teachings not even recognized as such any more, but they are actually believed to be centered around God instead of man!