I covered this earlier at Christian Research Net and slumbering $evangelical$–Show Me The Money!–leaders continue their startlingly accurate impression of Rip Van Winkle.

In this You Tube clip below you can see for yourself as Doug Pagitt, pastor of the Emergent Church Solomon’s Porch, introduces, “the emersion line of books providing resources for communities of faith. Emersion is a partnership between Baker Books and Emergent Village.” Very sad indeed.

For further reference this next link will take you to Emersion: Emergent Village resources for communities of faith. The website also confirms that indeed, “Emersion is a partnership between Baker Publishing Group and Emergent Village.”

You’ll hear Pagitt say: “But be assured, the material coming from Emersion will be fresh, forward-leaning and useful for churches of all varieties.” To which I’ll add, and continuing to embrace Emergent heresy and apostasy in its inclusive ecumenical goal of leading “Christians” back to its own home in Rome:

The following is a puff piece put out by Emergent Village promoting the recently released book An Emergent Manifesto of Hope which kicks off this Emersion line of books discussed in the video above. Here you will see co-editors Doug Pagitt and Tony Jones discuss what they see as the Emergent Church and hear that the “gospel” of Jesus Christ according to this cult of the new liberal theology is…big surprise…to work for social justice, which is their own emerging reimagined version of the social gospel of the original cult of liberal theology.

Combine all of the above with the doctrine of panentheism and you will end up with Dave Parker’s Emergent inclusive utopian “dream,” that I first showed you in Emergent Church: Dreaming Of Another god. A dream which Parker also calls “God’s dream,” while he muses:

In this community, young and old, Republican and Democrat, conservative and liberal, upper class and lower class, middle class, heterosexual, homosexual, bisexual–everyone–found commonality and community at the foot of the cross. And God was adding to their number daily those who were being saved. And by saved, I mean that a kingdom of God mindset was being sculpted, and refined and fleshed out in lives.

This is not the Gospel of Jesus Christ, but not surprisingly centered as the Emergent Church is on self, ol’ dreaming Dave then dreams on, “And I thought to myself that’s the kind of community I want to be involved in”:

In this community, young and old, Republican and Democrat, conservative and liberal, upper class and lower class, middle class, heterosexual, homosexual, bisexual–everyone–found commonality and community at the foot of the cross. And God was adding to their number daily those who were being saved. And by saved, I mean that a kingdom of God mindset was being sculpted, and refined and fleshed out in lives.

Men and women, look deeply into the eyes of Dave Parker here and you will be looking into the very face of spiritual deception. As I said before, so I say again: The $evangelical$ community embraces these vipers of the neo-liberal cult Emergent Church at their own peril…