The Lord be praised for the opportunity He afforded me to join my friend Ingrid Schlueter on her Crosstalk program today. In addition to panentheism we also briefly discussed the book An Emergent Manifesto of Hope.

On the program I explained that:

Pantheism means that all is God. It’s like saying that we are drops of water that make up an ocean and God is expressed as the entire ocean. Panentheism is different in that it teaches that God is immanent. In other words, He’s in that ocean, but He’s also transcendent. He’s outside the ocean so the ocean has to be inside of Him.

This definition led to a broader discussion of the Emergent Church, pointng out it’s writers, supporters and also some of its teachings. Emergent churches teach an unbiblical philosophy that places an emphasis on the mystical. It seeks to position itself as a movement of both reformation and relief for those discouraged by the lack of biblical depth in today’s seeker friendly churches.

You can listen to the Crosstalk program here.