Discernment Resource.com has this interesting background piece on a man who is “a popular speaker and leader—[as well as] director of the Doctor of Ministry—program and associate professor at the Assemblies of God Theological Seminary (AGTS) in Springfield, Missouri.”

For those who don’t know Creps is bringing the neo-liberal cult of the Emergent Church into the Assemblies of God. Creps tells us:

I’ve been able to travel emerging culture and the emerging church in the United States, interviewing anyone who would talk to me, taping and photographing anything interesting, and generally immersing myself in what’s going on at the unfolding edge. My first stop was Spencer Burke’s garage (www.TheOOZE.com), where he graciously informed me that my research would yield little if I didn’t remove the lens cap from my video camera.

This event became a metaphor of the entire journey. For a mid-life Boomer and a card-carrying Modern, it’s been one great ride. I am an “immigrant” (Len Sweet’s term) to all of this, but have found the “natives” to be very welcoming. They are my teachers in many ways.

Being on the road and the internet a lot has connected me with ministries like Chi Alpha (www.chialpha.com), churches like NewSong in Cleveland, OH (www.newsongministries.com), friends like Len Sweet (www.leonardsweet.com), and numerous Districts of the Assemblies of God, along with other parachurch organizations like Youth Specialties, (www.youthspecialties.com). (Online source)

Apprising Ministries also received the following information from one of our readers at Christian Research Net. With the permission of the author we now share the following below:

Commenting on Earl Creps and the Assemblies of God.

The A/G’s slip into post-modernism and progressive/emergent theology is one of the tragic untold stories of modern Evangelicalism. The Assemblies are so far gone as to possibly be past the point of no return.

I am in the Assemblies and attended Central Bible College of Springfield Mo. for two semesters in 2002. The students are fed a diet of Emergent/Purpose Driven philosophies. If anyone objects they are labeled a “Campus Critic” and ridiculed from the chapel pulpit.

Earl Creps is a virtual hero amongst the young ministers in the A/G. He should be chased out as a wolf, instead he’s received as some sort of prophet and to question him and others like him is to question God with the younger ministers.