The following is based on an unsolicited email I received here at Apprising Ministries. Please understand that I do not think any pastor-teacher is above reproach [insert typical Emerging Church whining here], etc.

What I wish to bring out is how easy, and I’ll argue how arrogant as well, it is for people to simply disregard the teaching of someone like myself who has been studying the fields of apologetics, Comparative Religion and evangelizing non-Christian cults for 21 years.

And not only this kind of foolish pride but in addition note carefully the double standard of the criticism you will invariably receive if you stand up for the Truth of God’s Word today against the corrupt Contemplative Spirituality/Mysticism masquerading as a spurious Spiritual Formation fomented by The Cult Of Guru Richard Foster:

Subject: Christian Meditation

Dear Sir,

I was very suprised to see your negative views on Christian meditation in the article CHRISTIAN MEDITATION WITH MANTRA: DOM JOHN MAIN.

I am confused to see Christain views such as these as they read as being very narrow minded and judgemental. Who are we to judge what is right & wrong. Isn’t it God who will judge us all in the end?

I grew up Catholic and taught Christian values. I now meditate within the Christian Meditation community as well as attending mass at a Catholic Church and am involved in Inter-faith dialogue. Isnt’ that what Jesus’ teachings are all about? Loving one another?


Disgruntled with AM

Hello Disgruntled,

Thank you for contacting Apprising Ministries. The noted Christian philosopher and apologist Dr. Francis Schaeffer used to say: “Honest questions deserve honest answers.” I believe this as well and so I will respond from a position of no offense taken and no intention of causing any. Setting this upfront due to the limitations of the written language.

You said: “I was very surprised to see your negative views on Christian meditation in the article CHRISTIAN MEDITATION WITH MANTRA: DOM JOHN MAIN.” So let me put it another way: I am very surprised to see you so quick in attempting to instruct someone like me whom Jesus has called as one of His pastor-teachers.

Wouldn’t you see it being kind of “negative?” Is this something you’d also do with someone, e.g. in the legal profession? Probably not. And then you ask: “Who are we to judge what is right & wrong. Isn’t it God who will judge us all in the end?” But aren’t you now refuting your own argument by judging that I was wrong in what I taught re. so-called “Christian” meditation?

You tell me: “I grew up Catholic and taught Christian values. I now meditate within the Christian Meditation community as well as attending mass at a Catholic Church and am involved in Inter-faith dialogue.” Well, I happen to be a former Roman Catholic whom God delivered from the spiritual bondage of apostate Roman Catholicism and then called to the unspeakable—and undeserved—privilege of preaching His glorious Gospel.

Not only that but Jesus gave me multiple websites that I never asked for where I also teach Christian values. God’s shown me that He hates the idolatrous “unbloody sacrifice” of the Roman Catholic Mass, neither Jesus nor His Apostles taught the alleged “Christian” version of transcendental meditation which you speak of and further that inter-faith dialogue is simply a mask for compromise of the genuine Gospel of Jesus Christ in order to try and please the world.

Now where do we go? I suggest it would be wise for you to be like the Bereans in Acts 17:11 and go to the Bible itself where you’ll meet the real Jesus Christ. And finally you ask: “Isnt’ that what Jesus’ teachings are all about? Loving one another?” This is how the Devil works; partial truths. In Mark 12:29-31 Jesus says the greatest commandment is:

“this: ‘Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is one. 30 Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’ 31 The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no commandment greater than these.”

Can you see above that our first responsibility is to love God and secondly to then let His love flow out through us to our fellow man. You see if we don’t love in that order then our sinful, corrupt, and inferior type of human love will cause us to water down the Word of God in a misguided understanding of what we think unity should be.

I pray this helps.

For Christ’s honor I labor,

Pastor Ken Silva
Apprising Ministries
Ezekiel 3:7-14

General Editor
Christian Research Net
2 Corinthians 11:12-15