As pastoral advisor as well as contributor at the original Slice of Laodicea, with its almost legendary battles in the combox there (hi, Bob Hyatt), I can most certainly second what Ingrid Schlueter says in this post when she says:

I removed the comments from Slice some time ago. They were out of control. While some readers were using the comment section responsibly, a lot of others were using it to stir up deviltry. I don’t even have to give you a run down on the things that were being written, linked to, and provoked by the conduct of some readers. You’ve seen it on enough other blogs. Removing the comment section was like breathing fresh clean air after visiting a pig farm. Many bloggers still have comment sections. I wish those poor souls the joy of sorting out the rubbish from the good. It was simply too much of a full time job for me…

Here is a paraphrased sampling of what happens on these blogs. This is based on numerous comment chains I’ve read in the last few days, and as late as this afternoon…

You can read Ingrid’s post in its entirety here.