By Ken Silva pastor-teacher on May 28, 2009 in AM Missives, Current Issues, Emergence Christianity, Emergent Church, Features, Homosexuality/"Christian"
Is there anything of which one can say, “Look! This is something new”? It was here already, long ago; it was here before our time. (Ecclesiastes 1:10)
Don’t Look Now But Evangelicalism Is Being Snatched Right Out From Under You
In the piece Gay Christians find place to connect we read:
Timothy Glynn wants to meet a good, Christian man. The 51-year-old Floridian hopes to find Mr. Right this summer, when he plans to post a personal notice at http://, an online meeting place for gay and lesbian Christians… Even though he hasn’t signed up yet, Glynn visits and has engaged in e-mail exchanges with its founder, Justin Cannon, a student at Berkeley’s Church Divinity School of Religion.
He’s also familiar with Cannon’s Website, which features Cannon’s writings on what the Bible has to say about homosexuality. Those two Internet endeavors have caught the eye of mainstream media and led the theology student to being named one of 2006’s most 100 influential gays and lesbians by Out, a gay magazine… (Online source)
As you can see in the AM piece Emergence Christianity Theologian Tony Jones And His Unrepentant Homosexual Christians this is the door that’s now been opened into mainstream evangelicalism itself by apostatizing men like Tony Jones, a prominent theologian within the Emergent Church, now morphing into Emergence Christianity, when he says:
In any case, I now believe that GLBTQ can live lives in accord with biblical Christianity (at least as much as any of us can!) and that their monogamy can and should be sanctioned and blessed by church and state. (Online source, bold theirs)
This brings us back to Justin Cannon mentioned in the article on “Gay Christians” cited above. You see Future Gay Hero Justin Cannon is not simply a gay man who professes to be a Christian, he’s also a “theology student” who’s studying to become an Episcopal priest. At Inclusive Orthodoxy we read:
Justin embraces a very ecumenical perspective that recognizes a deep sense of unity among all Christians that transcends the walls of denominations. Justin has been recognized among OUT Magazine’s Top 100 LGBT achivers of 2006 and was honored as one of Instinct Magazine’s twenty-five Leading Men of 2007. He is a graduate of Earlham College in Richmond, IN and is currently attending the Church Divinity School of the Pacific ( as he pursues priesthood within the Episcopal Church. (Online source)
Though it’s not his intent, as Cannon is describing his Inclusive Orthodoxy he’s actually quite correct detailing how apostasy spreads:
In the Church today, we find that the more inclusive and socially “progressive” a Christian organization or denomination becomes, the more these groups seem to distance themselves from the traditions and long-established teachings concerning the core of the Christian faith. (Online source)
And as one begins the slide toward apostasy (falling away from previously held beliefs) the very first distancing which occurs is with “the traditions” associated with a proper bibliology. Consider the following from Dr. Walter Martin (1928-1989), a recognized expert in concerning cults, from his lecture on what he labeled “the cult of liberal theology.” Previously in Phyllis Tickle And The Emerging Church: It’s Not If Sola Scriptura Ends But When at Apprising Ministries we brought you the result of Martin’s personal investigation into seminaries in the United States.
Martin would inform us that there’s “a progression” that takes place in liberal theology, now known as “progressive” theology:
It begins with a corrupt bibliology, a corrupt view of the nature and the inspiration of Scripture. They have a corrupt theology because once you are picking and choosing from the Bible what you want, your theology has to suffer from it, because your human reason is corrupt… every major theological seminary that has turned from orthodox Christianity began with disbelief of Biblical doctrine. There wasn’t a single exception.
This corrupt Bibliology then lead them to the next step. Their theology began to be touched by it, their view of the Cross, the Virgin Birth were both immediately questioned; then came the miracles of Christ… And finally they had emptied the Gospel of all its content; they were simply using the outward shell so that they go on collecting money from the people and the churches; because they knew that if the people in the pew knew that they were apostate, they’d throw them out. So the strategy was hang on to the trust funds; hang on to the money we’ve got; hang on the properties we control, and we will gradually educate the laymen into this new approach to theology.
And then finally we will take control of everything. The gradual process of feeding you theological poison until you become immunized enough so that you don’t know what’s happening to you. And when you wake up to what’s happening to you, it’s too late they’ve got everything. That is not a baseless charge, I stand prepared to prove that the Cult of Liberal Theology in the United States has deliberately and consistently followed this methodology to entrap, control and dominate the denominations and the churches of the United States and our educational institutions. (The Cult of Liberalism, available from Walter Martin Religious InfoNet)
If You Really Think That Scholars Are Smarter Than Jesus Then You Better Think Again
This is precisely the beginning of the “scholarship” currently employed by men like Tony Jones and this same “corrupt view” of Scripture also forms the basis for the reinterpretation [read: denial] of the Biblical texts used by Justin Cannon in his DVD Reclaiming Christ: Reflections on Homosexuality, Sex, and the Bible. You need to understand that the only way these deceivers can fly their false doctrine is to recast the Bible into whatever apostasy they’re selling, in this case condoning as Christian the practice of sexual immorality with someone of the same sex aka homosexuality.
In his 1996 book A Strong Delusion: Confronting The “Gay Christian” Movement Joe Dallas, a man who knew the lifestyle personally, sheds much light on the methodology of:
pro-gay theology [which] offers what appears to be a series of conservative, fundamentalist responses to conservative, fundamentalist objections. That is, it meets every Bible verse referring to homosexuality head-on, and attempts to explain why each verse is misunderstood today.
It is the boldest part of pro-gay theology, and, for many Christians, the most difficult to respond to. That’s because these arguments take what is obvious in Scripture and claim to have discovered that it has a different, heretofore hidden meaning…
That’s the power of the pro-gay theology. It takes Scriptures we’re all familiar with, gives them an entirely new interpretation, backs its claims with well-credentialed scholars, and gives birth to a new sexual ethic. Common sense may reject it, but until it is examined a bit more closely, it is difficult to refute. (185, 186)
So don’t be fooled by fools; they have no new information. As a matter of fact, in leaving this off for now we’ll turn to Dan Kimball. He’s very emerging generation/spiritual seeker-friendly. Kimball even interviewed tons of such and then wrote the book They Like Jesus But Not The Church. Leaving aside my deep differences with Dan, within it he confesses:
I have read just about every single book there is out there on this topic, written from both the conservative [read: Biblical] and pro-gay theological perspectives, and I have read the various studies and opinions on each of the Scriptures that mention homosexuality or that have been seen as addressing homosexuality.
I have wrestled with the Scriptures and difficult viewpoints. I studied this issue not being afraid to reexamine all I had ever been taught before and to approach it with an open mind and heart. However, after much prayer and study of the sexual ethics and themes presented overall in Scripture, I have found that I just can’t dismiss that in the Bible homosexual practice is considered a sin (137, emphasis his).
Here’s some food for your next meditation session: Though to simply dismiss what I say, many wrongly just pigeon-hole me into the gay-hating, homophobic, narrow-minded fundamentalist bigot camp; but we certainly can’t place the highly ecumenical Emerging Church pastor and extremely sympathetic scholar Dan Kimball in there, now can we…
See also: