Dr. John MacArthur begins this short piece on the most critical subject there is by pointing out: 

I am amazed at some of the things that have been said and written in recent years about the gospel.  I fear that in many circles a different message is replacing the good news of salvation.  I’m not talking about the attacks on the gospel from liberal religion or the theology of the cults, but a skewed message that has sprouted from right within conservative evangelicalism…

 Their approach, however, has been to eliminate from the gospel message anything that sounds like a work of righteousness, and to speak only of believing the objective data.  They have erased the biblical words repentance, obedience, and submission from the vocabulary of evangelicalism.  Such teaching has taken a heavy toll… (Online source)

Whether we agree with Dr. MacArthur on every point or not, this is an important piece, which you can read by clicking here.

HT: Apostasy Watch