This just in to Internet Central ODM News, where our motto is: If it’s news, then it’s news to us.

Last night via his Twitter account, which bears an uncanny resemblance to the one used by the Hebrew prophet Habbakuk, the “profit” Mannaseh Jordan warned the world:

(Online source)

It’s been documented before that the Word Faith god Jordan serves, who may even be his dad “Ma$ter Profit” E. Bernard Jordan, just loves rocking the sound checks.

In fact, Nicolaas Vanderberg, shown here with his brother, told IC ODM News: “Yah, me an’ Groot still haven’t recovered from when E. Bernard—oops, god—blew a beam off the ceiling during that mighty ’66 sound check for Dad Hagin’s show; fell right onto our heads. As you can see, we’re prepared this time.”