As a leading online apologetics and discernment work Apprising Ministries has been warning you for a long time about the toxic teachings the Emerging Church rock star pastor Rob Bell, co-teaching pastor at Mars Hill Bible Church along with his good friend Shane Hipps.

Those not under the spell of Rob Bell, who’re willing to look at the evidence, will see he’s long been practicing the critical thinking skills-numbing corrupt Contemplative Spirituality/Mysticism (CSM), such as that taught by Living Spiritual Teacher and Quaker mystic Richard Foster along with his spiritual twin and Southern Baptist minister Dallas Willard.

You can see for yourself in AM articles like Through Rob Bell “The Great Enlightened Ones” Tell Us Man Has Divine Greatness and Rob Bell And Shane Hipps Teaching Mysticism and Rob Bell On His Practice Of “Militant Mysticism”.

This has much to do with Rob Bell Defending His Love Wins Mythology and his intimate involvement with the sinfully ecumenical neo-liberal cult of the Emergent Church aka the Emerging Church with its quasi-universalism in a new version of postmodern Progressive Christian theology under their spiritual circus “big tent” of empty Emergence Christianity.

Against this backdrop we turn now to a recent interview I’ve put together with my friend Dr. Larry Dixon.

Let me tell you that Dixon is professor of theology at Columbia International University Seminary and School of Ministry in Columbia, South Carolina. “We have very large sweatshirts,” he says.

I’m also pleased to bring to your attention that Larry Dixon has recently written an excellent 60-page book called “Farewell, Rob Bell”: A Biblical Response to Love Wins:

This is Dixon’s deconstruction of, and response to, emerging mega-church pastor Rob Bell’s book of mythology Love Wins: A Book about Heaven, Hell, and the Fate of Every Person Who Ever Lived.

I appreciate Larry Dixon taking the time to deal with some questions about his very helpful rebuttal of the Love Wins mythology of EC icon Rob Bell, which I think are important.

Our discussion follows below:

Ken Silva: Dr. Dixon, it’s really a pleasure to have the chance to talk with you further like this. I first became aware of your ministry when I was led to your book The Other Side Of The Good News. In 1994 I had just planted a mission church in a town known as “Sin City” and was doing a lot of apologetics and evangelism out in the local community.

That book was very helpful in discussions I was having with people, even church leaders, who had misunderstandings concerning the Gospel and the doctrine of hell. I really appreciate how as a theologian you Biblically, and thoroughly, cover in a way that’s easily accessible on the lay level all the issues surrounding what you refer to as the other side of the good news.

Possibly even prophetic that years later the Lord would have us discussing these things all over again. Which brings me now to your new book. It seems best to start out with my asking you about its interesting, and I’d say somewhat provocative, title. Where did the idea come from?

Larry Dixon: Great question. Many of your readers know that when Rob Bell’s book came out, apparently advocating the erroneous idea that all without exception will eventually be saved (universalism), Dr. John Piper tweeted, “Farewell, Rob Bell.”

(Online source)

To my knowledge, Piper has never explained what he meant, but I think he was stating the obvious: that Bell is not the Evangelical that some thought he was.”

Silva: That’s true, as far as I’ve seen Piper hasn’t really clarified the tweet. However, I agree with you, that’s likely what he meant. Larry, what do you think; will Piper be upset with you that you used his tweet as part of your title?

Dixon: I hope not. But I sent him a copy of my book. I also sent a copy to Bell and to Bell’s elders at his church, Mars Hill Bible Church, in Michigan.”

Silva: That’s interesting. Being I’m one of the best known critics of Rob Bell’s teachings, his people will see this interview as well. So let me give you the chance to let them know, what did you hope to accomplish by sending Rob Bell’s elders a copy of your book?

Dixon: Well, I believe Bell should be under their spiritual care and should be held responsible for what I see as unbiblical teaching. After checking Mars Hill’s doctrinal statement online, I’m fairly certain they agree with and are proud of their pastor for his theology.

Silva: O, there’s no doubt about that. From sources I’ve talked with at MHBC, it’s kind of like a cult of personality. Getting back to your book ‘Farewell, Rob Bell,’ what do you want us to come away with from it? Why don’t you share with us some of its key points.

Dixon: First of all, I thank Bell for raising the questions he raises, although he’s pretty rough on Evangelicals.  He says we have hijacked the Jesus story and have substituted a toxic version of our own where the majority of the human race goes to hell forever.

Silva: Indeed, that’s classic Rob Bell bunkum. Larry, let me just interrupt you quickly right here. I actually have heard people say that the majority of the human race will go to hell. As a theologian, what’s your take on that? Agree, disagree?

Dixon: I don’t believe the Bible gives us the answer to that question. We do read in Matthew 7:13-14Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.

What we know from Scripture is that we are to get the Gospel out to those who have not heard, rather than speculating on ‘alternative views’ which have little to no Biblical support.

Silva: Amen.  Now, what do you mean by that last statement: Speculating on ‘alternative views’ which have little to no Biblical support?

Dixon: Bell honors and advocates a form of universalism which says that people will get chances to believe the gospel, even beyond this life.  There is no evidence in Scripture that anyone will get a chance to believe after death.

Silva: Ah, I see; and I agree. You’re absolutely right that Bell argues for a form of Christian Universalism in Love Wins. In fact, two years ago in Rob Bell And Christian Universalism I said that he’s already been leaning that way for years now.

Google “Christian Universalism” and it should come right up. Ok Larry, so what else do you cover in your book?

Dixon: I try to answer Bell’s questions about eternal lostness, such as, is infinite punishment for finite sin fair?

Silva: Good; because that’s quite a hot topic right now.

Dixon: I also look at questions like, If God wants all to be saved, does God get what He wants? What is the role of evangelism and missions if people will have eternity to repent and believe the gospel?

Silva: I know I’m glad that you did. These are questions already raised by liberals in the ’70’s in mainline denominations but many mainstream evangelicals have never heard them before. Larry, you also have several very helpful appendices in your book. Why don’t you tell the readers what it is you cover in them.

Dixon: Sure, I’d be glad to. In Appendix #1, I argue that personal faith in Christ is absolutely essential for salvation, proving this from John’s Gospel. Appendix #2 deals with the issue of a biblical doctrine of death as ending all opportunities for salvation.

Appendix #3 surveys what the Lord Jesus Himself said about judgment in Matthew’s Gospel. Appendix #4 presents a brief study on the doctrine of God’s wrath, wich Bell completely avoids.

Silva: Yes he does; and this goes back to his the gods aren’t angry mythology, which I discussed a few years ago in Rob Bell Says God Has Already Made Peace With All Men. I showed that with his heretical view where all men are already forgiven Bell actually locks himself into a form of universalism.

Now the final appendix in your book ‘Farewell, Rob Bell’ addresses Mark Galli. Tell us about that.

Dixon: Ok. The last Appendix asks the question posed by Mark Galli of Christianity Today, ‘Should Bell and Love Wins Be a Litmus Test of Orthodoxy?‘ Galli says no; I argue yes.

Silva: I’m with you all the way there, Larry. This has to do with the Gospel itself. For example, Bell argues that people will be able to convert post-mortem, after death. Since that is not the Gospel of the historic orthodox Christian faith; the case can be made that it’s actually damnable heresy; and as you know, then the following applies:

I am astonished that you are so quickly deserting him who called you in the grace of Christ and are turning to a different gospel—not that there is another one, but there are some who trouble you and want to distort the gospel of Christ.

But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach to you a gospel contrary to the one we preached to you, let him be accursed. As we have said before, so now I say again: If anyone is preaching to you a gospel contrary to the one you received, let him be accursed. (Galatians 1:6-9)

Silva: Well Larry, I think this has been pretty edifying. So as we get ready to wrap it up, let me ask you this: What are you trying to accomplish with this book? What do you hope happens from it?

Dixon: To be perfectly honest, my prayer is that those who have uncritically accepted Rob Bell’s view in Love Wins reconsider what the Scriptures teach. I would hope that his spiritual leaders would lovingly, but strongly, correct him. And I’d like to see that Bell would recant from the unbiblical position he has set forth in Love Wins.

Silva: Wow, my brother. You really don’t hope for too much, do you?! You know, today it’s common for people to say we should read everything, good or bad, hold on to the good but spit out the bad, as it were. With that in mind, would you suggest that all Evangelicals read Love Wins?

Dixon: Good question. I would say, not young believers. But more mature Christians should be aware of his arguments and know how to respond to them. I’ve tried to help that preparation in my book.

Silva: Not just because you’re a friend, but your book absolutely will do that for anyone who reads it. There’s a wealth of solid information in this concise work. I heartily recommend it.

Larry, thank you so much for making the time in your busy schedule for this interview. We’ve talked about it now, so how can my readers get themselves a copy of your book?

Dixon: Thanks, Ken, for this opportunity to get this before your readers and for your great questions. They may order my book directly from by clicking here. It’s also available in a Kindle edition right here.

See also: