RE FOR MER GENT (rə for mər’jənt) n., adj.

[(1300–50;  (v.) Middle English reformen  < Middle French reformer, Old French  < Latin refōrmāre  ( see re-, form); (noun) partly derivative of the v., partly < French réforme); (EMERGENT n. 1350–1400; Middle English  (< Middle French ) < Latin ēmergent-  (stem of ēmergēns ) arising out of, present participle of ēmergere  to emerge). Lit. Emergent Reformed]


  1. A Protestant church leader that holds or leans toward certain Reformed and/or Calvinist tenets, who is seeking to reverse the key doctrines of the First Reformation.
  2. One who is working to merge or synthesize the doctrines and practices of Protestantism with those of the Roman Catholic Church (see Protholic).
  3. One who is working to merge or synthesize the doctrines and practices of Protestantism with those of the New Age new spirituality and/or occultism. (See Domystic)
  4. One promoting the reversal, deconstruction, or obliteration of the tenets of the First Reformation, especially through various forms of mysticism, psycho-social technology, and/or the social gospel. (See Domergent)
  5. An Emergent Church Movement leader doing any of the above.
  6. The redefinition of the Reformation doctrine of Sola Scriptura to include the addition of extra-biblical revelation, experience, dream, words and voices, novel interpretations, etc.


  1. Of or pertaining to the characteristics of those that hold or lean toward certain Reformed and/or Calvinist tenets, who are seeking to reverse the key doctrines of the First Reformation.
  2. Of or pertaining to the work to merge or synthesize the doctrines and practices of Protestantism with those of the Roman Catholic Church (see Protholic) and/or the new Age new spirituality.
  3. Of or pertaining to the activities related to reversing, deconstructing or obliterating the tenets of the First Reformation, especially including Sola Scriptura, etc. E.g.,

Reformergent Leaders
Reformergent Churches
Reformergent Pastors
Reformergent Theologies
Reformergent Organizations
Reformergent Agendas
Reformergent Conferences
Reformergent Compromises
Reformergent Covenants
Reformergent Books
Reformergent Equivocations
Reformergent Pronouncements

See also: