By Ken Silva pastor-teacher on Feb 7, 2012 in Current Issues, Features, Word Faith
By Apprising Ministries special correspondent Erin Benziger of Do Not Be Surprised…
This is a repost of an original article on Do Not Be Surprised…
It’s so discouraging to be behind on the latest fads and trends.
Like this whole scroll-wrapping business.
Why didn’t somebody tell me that this was the hip thing to do?
It wasn’t too many days ago that the blogosphere was buzzing with news that “Bishop” Eddie Long had been declared a king in a bizarre ceremony performed by Rabbi Ralph Messer.
And, just a few days later, Long was apologizing for any misunderstanding caused by this event. As Apprising Ministries reported,
CBS Atlanta is reporting today Bishop Eddie Long apologizes for Jewish ceremony:Bishop Eddie Long has apologized to the Anti-Defamation League for a ceremony last Sunday at his New Birth Missionary Baptist Church, in which he was wrapped in a sacred Torah scroll and carried upon a throne.Bill Nigut the Southeast Regional Director of the Anti-Defamation League said the manner in which the Torah was used was “offensive to many Jews.”In a letter addressed to Nigut Long wrote he was “deeply sorry” that the ceremony caused harm to the Jewish community.The letter went on to say “I denounce any action that depicts me as a King, for I am merely just a servant of the Lord. (Online source)Okay, so Eddie Long says that he isn’t a king (honestly, did we really need this clarification? I mean, was anyone really preparing to bow before “King” Eddie Long?) Yet, the fact remains that the “coronation” ceremony did occur. As pastor-teacher Ken Silva asks, “This begs the question: Then why did Long have in that spiritual wingnut “Rabbi” Ralph Messer and participate in that ridiculous and blasphemous service in the first place? (Online Source).”
Great question. Why would anyone agree to be the focal point of such an abominable ceremony? Well, I suppose we could ask Paula White that question. In recent days there were murmurings that Paula White was scheduled to participate in a similar ceremony this past weekend. A ceremony that, it was alleged, would result in White claiming the title of “Queen.” For instance, on February 3, 2012, the Florida Courier reported,Orlando, Fla. is abuzz with word that Rabbi Ralph Messer is allegedly coming to New Destiny Christian Center, founded by the late Zachery Tims, to make Paula White a ‘queen’ during a Super Bowl Sunday service.
White’s ‘coronation,’ if it happens, is expected to be like the much-criticized ceremony hitting the Youtube rounds. (Online Source)
White’s camp protested and released this statement on February 4:
Late last night, a local newspaper published an article alleging that Rabbi Ralph Messer was set to “enthrone” or “coronate” Pastor Paula White. This allegation is utterly and completely false. There is not a single shred of truth in it. Nevertheless, the newspaper has continued to post this ridiculous story, even after Pastor White’s representative repeatedly denied the story directly to the publisher.
In the past, Pastor Paula has interviewed Rabbi Messer on her television show. However, to be clear, Rabbi Messer has not been invited to participate in any service of New Destiny Christian Center or any other service with Pastor White. She has no ties or affiliation with him. She does not endorse him in any way, and she will not be participating in any events with him. Any suggestion to the contrary is totally false.
To which the Florida Courier finally conceded:
Daniel Beirute, attorney for Florida-based televangelist Paula White, unconditionally denied that White would be ‘coronated’ as was Bishop Eddie Long in a widely ridiculed ceremony in Lithonia, Ga.’s New Birth Missionary Baptist Church that went viral on YouTube. He also denied that White had ever been previously ‘crowned’ by erstwhile ‘rabbi’ Ralph Messer. (Online Source)
Okay, okay, so Paula White didn’t become a queen this weekend. But, wait, we still have a minor discrepancy. White maintains that, “She has no ties or affiliation with [Messer]. She does not endorse him in any way, and she will not be participating in any events with him.” Hm, well, I guess that only speaks to future events and affiliations, because this sure sounds like an endorsement:
Pastrix Paula White Introducing Her “Dear Friend” Rabbi Ralph MesserAnd this video, which we see in the Apprising Ministries post Paula White Less Than Truthful about Rabbi Ralph Messer looks awfully familiar, doesn’t it? It seems that Paula White, just like Eddie Long, was wrapped in a large scroll by Rabbi Messer, and told that “nothing in your life can touch you.”
But don’t get too excited that you’ll experience a scroll-wrapping ceremony of your own. No, it seems that only the popular prosperity preachers are recipients of this strange observance. Who knows, maybe T.D. Jakes will be next! He is, after all, Paula White’s “spiritual father.” But let’s keep that little endorsement “hush hush.” And please, don’t tell Mark Driscoll or James MacDonald. We don’t want them to have to acknowledge that elephant in the room.
Pastrix Paula White, T.D. Jakes, & the Black Convertible Bentley