Apprising Ministries continues in our labors along the Internet Front to track church trends for you, for example Kay Arthur Tells Charles Stanley About When God Spoke To Her and Word Faith Pastor Robert Morris Calls Mormon Glenn Beck “A Believer.”

We’re blessed here at AM to be among the few online apologetics and discernment ministries (OADM) pioneering a mission field Jesus is raising up for a time like this. Straight up: you need to know that it is actually way worse out there than we can even keep you aware of right now.

Unfortunately, evangelical leaders were unable to discern the time in which they now live; so, rather than standing up against this New Downgrade, they apparently have decided to join it. Seriously, there’s all kinds pious talk today, as well as praise for people like Charles Spurgeon,

However, as this New Downgrade spreads rapidly, I’ve yet to see a Spurgeon arise among them. If those whom the Lord allowed leadership status and high profile ministries more thoroughly covered these things in the church visible, then you’d have never even heard of someone like Ken Silva.

Ministries like this appreciate people who are concerned with various issues within the church visible and who take the time to send us names, topics, and links on the Net for us to look into. The truth is, we in legitimate OADM don’t scour the Internet looking for problems; rather, they are sent to us.

You are more than welcome to continue to do so; and please don’t grow discouraged if we don’t immediately get to it. Often these things kind of fit together like a bad jigsaw puzzle, where we can’t add a particular piece until the others finally fall in place. Make sense.

Along this same line, I get many emails a day and at this time I’m well behind because of battling a bad abscessed tooth, which I apparently have had for a while now and has slowed me greatly. The good news is, we are now treating it so I’m hopeful I’ll be back toward full strength after a root canal November 29th.

That noted, if you’ve written with questions lately, sof them may have been buried in the email avalanche that I’m just beginning to work my way through. I do read all that I get and try and respond as quickly as I can. Please do feel free to resend if I’ve not gotten back to you lately.

I would also ask that you keep in mind that I do a lot of work behind the scenes in pastoral counseling and searching through Scripture, Christian literature, and the Internet in order to try and answer questions. As a minister of the Gospel, it’s not a service I can ethically charge for.

AM is currently in a really bad slump as far as donations go. We do have a surplus designed to carry us through times like this but this slow summer season was worse than usual. We’re also in the expensive winter heating season and we’re rather concerned as we’ve eaten up a lot of that surplus.

Perhaps you’ve been blessed through the work here and maybe you might consider helping to support this labor in the Lord. Please know that at this time a gift of any amount—whether one time or on a regular basis—goes a long way toward helping to keep AM available to serve the church in this growing apostasy.

The Lord knows, I hate talking about this subject. That aside, if you’d like to donate via PayPal you may click here; or you can make your checks/money orders payable to Connecticut River Baptist Church with Apprising Ministries in the memo and send them to:

Connecticut River Baptist Church
P.O. Box 340
Claremont, NH 03743

May the Lord richly bless you for standing with us through these years and reward you for your ongoing kindness to me in my work here at Apprising Ministries. In Jesus’ name, amen. Soli Deo gloria!

Further reading