In the one true and living God; affirming the Holy Trinity — within the nature of the one God, there exists three Co-equal and Co-eternal Persons. God the Father; God the Son-Jesus of Nazareth, Who is the Christ; and God the Holy Spirit.
In His written Word; the Holy Bible — given through divine inspiration as the infallible, inerrant Word of God. As such; the Bible in its entirety is to be the sole and final authority in all matters of belief and practice for Christians of every culture and age.
In Jesus Christ; affirming His full Deity and full humanity, His Virgin Birth, His perfect, sinless life, His vicarious and Substitutionary Atonement for mankind’s sin, His Bodily Resurrection from the dead, and His personal, visible return to earth in the Second Coming of Christ. In the Deity and personality of the Holy Spirit, Who indwells every believer in Christ.
In the existence of a personality known as Satan, who is the mortal enemy of God, and who reigns over personal entities called demons and over unregenerate mankind.
In the utter depravity of mankind; as such placing them under condemnation of God, hopelessly lost without being regenerated by the Holy Spirit through God’s grace alone and personal faith alone in Jesus Christ alone as their Lord and Savior — this being a gift from God, not of works, lest any man should boast.
In the after-life; those who have been saved will live in everlasting peace in the very presence of God, while those who die without being saved will live in conscious torment in a literal place Jesus referred to as hell, forever shut out from the bliss of living with God, and with no second chance to change this certain destiny.
In the Church universal; the Body of Christ, consisting of all the redeemed by receiving Jesus Christ as Savior, and united in the Holy Spirit. The local church being an organization of believers in a given area, called out of the world to assemble to worship God and preach His Gospel. This Gospel being summed up in the death, burial and Bodily Resurrection from the dead of Jesus Christ.