I’ve pointed out many times now that as a general rule, and a courtesy, we do not publish email without the permission of the sender. However at the same time, all email sent to AM and Christian Research Network is considered the property of Apprising Ministries so we may indeed publish unsolicited email for the purposes of edification.

The one below originally came via the AM contact form; and as you’ll see, the following exchange is published by permission of the author of the initial email:

This seems as if you have confused the noun with the verb, so let me see if I can get some clarification: can a Christian struggle with homosexuality? Can a Christian be forthright with his/her friends about their temptation by telling them they are attracted to members of the same sex? How is that different than calling themselves gay?

I’m not trying to incite…actually, I’m trying to get my own terminology in order since this is the situation in which I find myself.  I am a Christian person who is attracted to members of my own sex and who is seeking to live in repentance granted to me by God and abstaining from sin.  Since Christ has redeemed me, I am honoring God with my body.

AM Reader, 

Thank you for contacting Apprising Ministries, and please know that you came across as very sincere, and I did not at all take this as offensive. That said, let me also assure you that what I’m about to say is returned in kind, and written in the tone as two people talking over coffee, ok. I just put this up front due to the limitations of the written language. 

I’m not the one confused about this issue of homosexuality; and I’m afraid that what’s happened is that you may be reacting to only one article, of many, which I have written concerning this important issue. In fact, I’m one of the very few who are even touching on it right now as it currently begins to fester within the mainstream of the church visible because of the gay agenda of the egregiously ecumenical Emerging Church aka Emergent Church, which is a cult of postliberalism—now morphing into Emergence Christianity (EC).

AM Reader, in my many articles I have been very clear as to what I’m talking about: Those who are unrepentant in their practice of same-sex sexual relations i.e. homosexuality, which because it will always be outside of marriage according to God, is actually under the sin of sexual immorality. And most of those to whom I’m addressing my writings also defy the Scripture and say homosexuality isn’t sin at all. 

In my considered opinion, someone like yourself would definitely benefit by not referring to yourself as a “gay Christian”; if indeed you might do so. The reason being, for most of those you’d talk to right now, in their minds, it would place you in that prior camp to which I refer above e.g. the Outlaw Preachers slithering around Jay Bakker and/or Adele Sakler. It’s because of their growing influence that I began writing the truth about homosexuality. 

Now you ask: “Can a Christian be forthright with his/her friends about their temptation by telling them they are attracted to members of the same sex?” But of course; this would be a good thing, and may even be helpful to others. Then you ask: “How is that different than calling themselves gay?” Well, as I see it, usually when someone says they “are” something, it means that they are still acting as such; i.e. practicing it. 

Take for an example, if I were to say: “I’m a thief.” AM Reader, if I’m no longer acting as a thief, if I’m no longer in the practice of stealing, it would be better for me to say that I used to steal, or I struggle with the urge to steal, but as a Christian Jesus freed me from doing [insert sin here]. Make sense? No Christian, who is honest, would claim to be without sin, or free from struggling with it (see—Romans 7:7-25).  

And here, beloved in Christ, is what sets you apart from those I am writing about: “I am a Christian person who is attracted to members of my own sex and who is seeking to live in repentance granted to me by God and abstaining from sin.  Since Christ has redeemed me, I am honoring God with my body.” The Lord be praised; that’s a wonderful testimony. I pray this has helped, and please know that you have a friend here if I can be of further service. 

AM Reader, I think there are others who may feel as you do and this would be edifying for them. I don’t like to publish emails without permission, though I do on occasion. So before I put this exchange online at Apprising Ministries, I’d like to be able to note it’s with your permission. Can you just let me know; and I can edit your letter to make it gender-neutral, and it would just say it’s from “AM Reader”, which would protect your identity.

Ken Silva, pastor-teacher

I do consent to you publishing my email and I thank you for your kind response. 

I think there is a notable cultural difference.  Since homosexuality isn’t seen as a “civil sin” anymore, referring to myself as “gay” doesn’t mean practicing to most people my age (the under-30 crowd) any more than straight means having sex with one’s girlfriend.  This, I suppose, wouldn’t matter to someone if they never identify themselves according to their orientation, but it seems to happen in my age set.  

So for the sake of consistency, I’d like to ask a follow-up question, if I may: would you have a problem with a man who is attracted to women calling himself “straight”? Does that connote active sexual behavior? 

I have read several articles of yours on this topic over the past 2 years or so, but I’ve never quite gotten the sense of what a repentant homosexual Christian should call him or herself.  Your response helps me with knowing where you stand and in the times that I have referred to myself as gay in the past, there has always been a context such that I’m not bearing false witness about the nature of my sin and my being ok with it…because believe me, I’m not. 

And I also give permission, if it would fit in the context of a post, to quote from this reply.  Thank you for the work that you’re doing to compare the claims folks are making in the name of God to the Word of God.

AM Reader

AM Reader,

I appreciate your permission, and you are certainly most welcome. Don’t tell anyone, but I’m really not a computer-programmed cyborg with no feelings. Seriously though, as far as a difference in our culture, I would quite agree; sadly, there is a growing acceptance of homosexuality. Now let’s be clear; in no way do I advocate mistreatment of anyone practicing homosexuality, I personally have family and friends who are gay. 

As a minister of the Gospel, by sadly, I’m referring to the judgments of sin God’s speaking about in Romans 1. Dr. John MacArthur did a good job elaborating on them recently in his sermon A Nation Abandoned by God which is about what happens when the Lord abandons a culture. You ask a follow-up question: “would you have a problem with a man who is attracted to women calling himself ‘straight’? Does that connote active sexual behavior?” 

No, that is as it should be in the created order; and no, it doesn’t necessarily imply that he is acting upon the impulse. It’s just been my experience so far, in tracking the issue of homosexuality slithering into the younger sectors of the evangelical community, that oft-times “gay Christian” refers to one who, unlike yourself, does not think homosexuality within a monogamous relationship is sin. 

I also happen to think you’re quite right; there really does need to be more discussion as to what a repentant homosexual Christian, no longer living in this sin, should call him or herself. However as I said, that hasn’t been the focus of my writings, and I don’t see myself as someone qualified to make that decision. So please know that my comment before re. the use of “gay Christian” is simply my opinion, and some advice, which you’re free to use, or not, as you may see fit. :-)

Here’s my hope, your permission to publish these exchanges may indeed open the door for the Lord to begin such discussion, which it seems to me, would be profitable for all of us as we move forward. By the way, I like what you said here: “compare the claims folks are making in the name of God to the Word of God.” Sounds just like my good friend Chris Rosebrough, host of Fighting for the Faith on Pirate Christian Radio



See also: