Let not sin therefore reign in your mortal bodies, to make you obey its passions. (Romans 6:12)

Sin is not to be king over your mortal bodies.  Sin is not to be obeyed.  Your body is to be used for righteousness since you have been brought from death to life.  Sin must not be allowed to be king, because grace reigns in the believer.  You are not to take orders from sin any longer, but rather sin has been dethroned and grace has been enthroned.  The believer’s life must be a demonstration of victory over sin through the grace of our Lord.

Sin is evil no matter where it is found, but it is even worse when it is found in the life of the believer.  Why is sin worse in the believer than in the unbeliever?  First, the believer has the Spirit of God to restrain him from sin and is without excuse.  Second, the believer sins against great mercy.  The unbeliever who sins has not yet experienced mercy, but the believer has and he ought to know better than to sin. 

Third, the believer sins with a clearer view of sin.  The unbeliever does not see sin to the degree that the believer does.  Fourth, the believer sins against sweeter experiences.  The believer has walked with the Lord of glory and experienced his power, love, and beauty where the unbeliever has had none of these experiences.  Fifth, the believer sins against his own family.  The believer has been adopted into the family of God and he sins against his heavenly Father.  The unbeliever simply sins in agreement with his hellish father. 

Sixth, the believer sins against his confession.  The believer has verbally acknowledged his allegiance to the Lord where the unbeliever simply lives in agreement with his nature.  Seventh, the believer’s sins bring a greater blight upon the church.  When unbelievers sin it is simply what is expected.  However, when the believer sins; it causes the world to look upon the church as a bunch of hypocrites.  Lastly, the sins of believers harden the wicked even harder. 

 The unbelievers revolt more and more against grace when they see such unrighteousness in the lives of those who confess Christianity.  Sin in the believer has tremendous effects upon the world and it sullies the name of the Lord. Dearly beloved, sin must be fought against every day for the rest of your life.  Do not submit unto the kingship of sin and do not obey its commands. 

Sin is a wicked taskmaster and will destroy your life. Submit yourself unto King Jesus daily and present your body to Him as an instrument of righteousness.  

J. Randall Easter, Senior Pastor of First Baptist Church of Briar, Azle, TX.
II Timothy 2:19
“He who sells cheapest shall have most customers; the devil knows that it is a cheap and easy doctrine which pleases the flesh, and he doubts not but he shall have customers enough.” (Thomas Watson)