By Ken Silva pastor-teacher on Sep 29, 2010 in AM Missives, Current Issues, Features, Word Faith
“When you come to appear before me, who has required of you this trampling of my courts? Bring no more vain offerings; incense is an abomination to me. New moon and Sabbath and the calling of convocations—I cannot endure iniquity and solemn assembly. Your new moons and your appointed feasts my soul hates; they have become a burden to me; I am weary of bearing them. When you spread out your hands, I will hide my eyes from you; even though you make many prayers, I will not listen.” (Isaiah 1:12-15)
Women Pastors Violating God’s Word
Apprising Ministries told you that Purpose Driven Pope Rick Warren has been pronounced “doctrinal and sound” by Dr. John Piper, who’s decided to feature him as a keynote speaker for the Desiring God Conference 2010.
Then I also showed you in Rick Warren Brings Love On Record that PDL Pope Warren has officially placed his blessing upon the the ministries of the men below in the following tweet:
Here I bring to your attention the last pastor mentioned, Judah Smith, who tweeted yesterday:
More on The Prosperity with a Purpose Conference in a moment; first, you should know that Judah Smith is co-Lead Pastor at a charismatic megachurch called The City Church of Seattle along with his wife pastrix Chelsea Smith:
Under “the apostolic oversight of Pastor Dick Iverson” The City Church of Seattle “was pioneered in 1992 by Pastor Wendell Smith, his wife Gini, their two children, Wendy and Judah, and a group of families from the Northwest and around the nation.”[1] The elder Smiths are still Staff pastors at a church with a plethora of pastrixes, in violation of God’s Word, and yet is apparently under the authority of an apostle:
Do you know how many churches actually overseen by an Apostle of Jesus Christ had women elders: Try zero. Judah Smith’s sister Wendy, also a pastrix, “is married to the well-known charismatic Benny Perez and preaches in Las Vegas.”[2] To give you an idea of what we’re dealing with, in Speaking For Joel Osteen At Lakewood Church Benny Perez tells us:
Word Faith heretic Joel Osteen “is the real deal”; Perez should have signed that, Life of one with little Discernment; but as I began talking about in Seducing Spirits Sounding The Same, it’s all part of the doctrinal lines being kicked away in the evangelical community just as quickly as the lines of a batter’s box. I told you in Rick Warren Teaching The Law Of Attraction? that America’s fav megapastor, who is a Southern Baptist, has written the foreword to a book by “Life Coach” and pastrix Dr. LaVerne Adams, a Word Faith flake who bills herself as the “Divine Destiny Doctor.”
So it’s pretty clear that Warren, with his elastic orthodoxy, has no problem with pastrixes heading churches even though the Scriptures forbid this. But Judah Smith is fresh off preaching with the other Warren protégés at the NewSpring Leadership Conference put on by Perry Noble, one of the Popes of the Carolinas along with his disciple Steven Furtick:
The Hillsong Conference Europe 2010 Promo tells us Judah Smith shared the platform this year, again, supposedly with “the worlds finest teachers” such as Word Faith prosperity preachers Joel Osteen and Jentezen Franklin:
Hillsong Conference Europe 2010 will again gather the worlds finest teachers, innovators, church builders and worship leaders – men and women with both passion and skill to champion and build the local church in a rapidly moving world. We are thrilled to announce and welcome Joel and Victoria Osteen, Judah Smith and Jentezen Franklin as our 2010 key guests, along with Brian and Bobbie Houston and The Hillsong Team.
(Online source)
Smith was also featured speaker at this year at Franklin’s Forward 2010 Conference:
Word Faith Preachers Continue Moving More Into The Mainstream Of Evangelicalism
Hillsong Church (HC), perhaps best known for its popular worship music, regularly features the major properity preachers of the Word Faith movement at their annual heresy-fests such as Joyce Meyer, Joel and Victoria Osteen, along with Jentezen Franklin numerous times, and Oneness Pentecostal Word Faith mogul T.D. Jakes again this year.
HC is lead by Our Senior Pastors: Brian and Bobbie Houston:
That Judah Smith is enamored with Hillsong and Brian Houston is obvious; all you need to do is watch the video promo below that Smith did to hawk Hillsong 2010. Smith gushes that he’s “so excited” to again participate; he also tells us that his life, as well as that of his pastrix wife, “have been transformed by being a part, being involved with” various Hillsong conferences and events.
In fact, he says “there’s none better on the planet than Hillsong Conference”; then in Word Faith speak declares “Jesus Christ’s presence is going to be there, and we’re already beginning to pray, and believe, that your life will be transformed.”
[mejsvideo src=”” width=640 height=360]
Here’s a little clip of Judah Smith in action at JAM Hillsong 2010. The person from the audience who originally posted this clip at You Tube called it Judah Smith sings Taylor Swift and talks Sex!
[mejsvideo src=”” width=640 height=360]
Which now brings us back to the The Prosperity with a Purpose Conference (TPPC) Smith is promoting in the tweet above. TPPC, put on by Smith’s The City Church, appears to have begun around 2007; and as you see below, featured Rabbi Daniel Lapin.
Lapin’s main shtick, and he’s really quite popular in charismatic and Word Faith circles, is pushing properity and his book Thou Shall Prosper-The Ten Commandments for Making Money by working “ancient Jewish wisdom.”
Last year’s TPPC schedule tells us one of the featured guest speakers was the late positive confession Word Faith healer Oral Roberts:
And then this year’s TPPC features Brian Houston of Hillsong and Chris Hill, pastor of Potter’s House Denver:
If Potters House Denver rings a bell, T.D. Jakes Protege, Pastor E. Christopher Hill, to Succeed Bishop Dennis Leonard as Senior Pastor at One of Denver’s Largest Churches explains why; yeah, Hill is a disciple of T.D. Jakes:
Pastor E. Christopher Hill, protege of influential televangelist T.D. Jakes, is succeeding Heritage Christian Church founder Dennis Leonard as senior pastor of one of the city’s largest churches, newly renamed Potter’s House Church of Denver… Hill, with 20 years of experience in the ministry, is a former youth and associate pastor of The Potter’s House of Dallas, the 30,000-member megachurch founded in 1996 by Jakes. Hill has been an elder of that church for 10 years.
Hill spent the past seven years, however, as a self-described “prophetic traveling evangelist,”… Jakes was in Denver on Wednesday night to preside over Hill’s installation as the church’s leader… Hill’s biography says he began preaching the Gospel before he was 5… While Hill was a child, he said, God gave him a prophetic dream for his future, and his ministry has been devoted to helping others learn how to “discover, develop and deploy their God-given dreams.”
Hill’s mentor, Jakes, was once strongly identified as a leading purveyor of so-called “prosperity theology,” a belief that God rewards his faithful followers with material as well as spiritual gifts. Leonard, also an advocate of the prosperity gospel, drew attention for his lifestyle, including a $1.4 million home in a gated community. (Online source)
In closing this out, for now, I’ll simply say such is the way it is now in anything goes evangelicalism.
End notes:
[1], accessed 9/29/10.
[2], accessed 9/29/10.