Let him that is taught in the word communicate unto him that teacheth in all good things. (Galatians 6:6, KJV)

After seeking the Lord concerning this idea it seems good that I might ask those of you who read Apprising Ministries to pray about something. I am going to start a “testimony” category here at AM where occasionally I will post reader comments as to how the Lord has worked in their lives through this particular ministry in Christ. I believe that it will be a blessing to others who read them and will also provide a chance to share how the Lord has touched you through what He gives me to teach as well.

And since I am also a pastor myself I can tell you these testimonies would be an encouragement to other pastors to stand for the Truth no matter the cost because God is faithful. Not only that but as you share with us what the Lord has done for you through AM it will also help others to come to see that though some perceive this type of discernment work in the Body of Christ as “harsh,” God is indeed blessing it by opening eyes, leading people out of bondage and emboldening believers to fight back against this tide of phony “unity” passing as Christianity.

Just send me whatever you’d like to have me post as the Lord may lead. Please know that it will be a blessing for all I am sure. I know that through misguided teachings in the Ecumenical Church of Deceit of new evangelicalism about what it truly means to love so many see what ministries such as this do as harmful and divisive because the Holy Spirit strikes a nerve in them. So as testimonies of the Lord faithfulness to this work begin to come in it will help a great deal in encouraging others to preach God’s Word boldly.

Beloved, those with ears to hear know that the hour grows late and the time has arrived for us to stand for the absolute Truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ regardless of what it looks like to others and regardless of the “heat.” And in sharing what God is doing for you through this labor in the Lord you will actually be strengthening other brothers and sisters around the world to also make their own stand as well!

In any event may the Lord continue to bless you and keep you close. As always I do covet your prayers and might I remind you that a non-denominational work such as this depends entirely upon the generosity of God’s people to continue to press on. To the very end…

For Christ’s Honor,

Pastor Ken