For though we walk in the flesh, we are not waging war according to the flesh. For the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh but have divine power to destroy strongholds.

We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ, being ready to punish every disobedience, when your obedience is complete.
(2 Corinthians 10:3-6)

Hating Biblical Doctrine Makes Strange Bedfellows

As part of our labors in the Lord along the Internet Front the online apologetics and discernment work Apprising Ministries closely monitors Intel along the Net not unlike secular Military Intelligence. The weak-kneed milquetoasts among us would like to make you forget that we are in a war for the souls of men. However, the opening text of Scripture above reminds us of this fierce battle and that we’re to destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God.

In other words, we’re not simply here on some picnic where we walk hand-in-hand down a Primrose Lane; we’re supposed to be fighting the good fight of the faith (1 Timothy 6:12). Notice it doesn’t say, take the long vacation and join together with the enemies of the cross of Christ (Philippians 3:18), such as apostate Emergent Church universalist pastor Doug Pagitt and his fellow apostate, progressive/liberal “theologian in residence” at his Emerging Church, Dr. Tony Jones.

Don’t believe that they’re hostile to the Gospel; then actually make the time to read Christianity 21 To Attack Christian Sexuality where I show you that Jones has already begun pressing forward an argument in favor of open marriage and polyamory (many sexual partners) as acceptable for the Christian. If you want to know how low the bar is in the visible church right now, then consider that Tony Jones is set to teach “The Doctor of Ministry cohort in Christian Spirituality” at Fuller Theological Seminary. [1]

For the doctrinally impaired, let me explain  Jones’ messing around with practices of Contemplative Spirituality/Mysticism (CSM) [2] that has led him into apostasy in the first place. So explain to me again why ostensibly evangelical FTS, with its professing Calvinist president Richard Mouw, would want a progessive/liberal universalist teaching his CSM to its students. Here’s another little tidbit of info for you; I  have also shown you that Fuller Seminary Sponsors Emerging Church Heretic Doug Pagitt.

Hmm, I wonder if the FTS president Richard Mouw’s included in what you’re about to see. Today Doug Pagitt would tweet:

(Online source)

The link takes us to Pagitt’s web site and his post How the Neo-Calvinist Cabal is ruining Evangelicalism – Doug Pagitt in conversation with Roger Olson:

(Online source)

We’ll come back to this; first, a cabal is being used in a negative sense as referring to “a small group of secret plotters, as against a government or person in authority.” And secondly, I told Doug Pagitt:

(Online source)

Not surprisingly Pagitt made a point to tell me that he includes me among those people he’s accusing of “ruining” evangelicalism:

(Online source)

So I let him know, forget evangelicalism, I don’t even believe Pagitt’s regenerated:

(Online source)

Not that I would necessarily expect him to, but quite obviously Doug Pagitt’s not aware that I publicly broke with evangelicalism three years ago. The reason being, the Lord be praised, I could see spiritually spineless evanjellyfish leaders would eventually allow emerging apostates to set up shop right within their camp. I wanted be very clear I had no part in that kind of toady middle-of-the-road mushiness, which brings me nicely back to Doug Pagitt and Roger Olson.

If you don’t know, Roger Olson “is Professor of Theology at George W. Truett Theological Seminary of Baylor University,” as well as the author of numerous textbooks and books including Against Calvinism: Rescuing God’s Reputation from Radical Reformed Theology. He’s a very well known theologian within the mainstream of the visible church; and that the Arminian Roger Olson is sounding less like an A.W. Tozer and more like a Doug Pagitt gives you an indication of his continued downward spiral.

As a matter of fact, at around 2:04 into part two below, Olson muses:

I have a vision of evangelicalism as a big tent. That’s my metaphor for evangelicalism. I grew up in a very revivalistic wings of evangelicalism and we had tent meetings in the summer. And people would come and sit around the outside of the tent—as well as under the tent. You know, it’s kind of hard to tell exactly who was after revival, and who was just there to visit and look on.

And I see evangelicalism as made up of many different theologies; I mean, it’s not like anything goes—it’s not a circus—but, I see it as diverse. And we gather around a center; rather than within boundaries, is the way I like to put it. It’s a centric set; and the Gospel is the center.

Sure, that sounds very pious, but here’s the key question: If Roger Olson’s including the likes of Emerging Church apostate universalists like Doug Pagitt and Rob Bell, exactly which Gospel is it we’re supposed to rally around? Should it be the Love Wins mythology of Bell? Well, since Roger Olson also includes apostate Roman Catholicism as “evangelical,” even though the Church of Rome anathematized the Gospel, then maybe he thinks their sacramental system would be the gospel that we are agreed upon. This really isn’t about Arminianism and Calvinism at all; it’s about the Gospel itself.

Here’s the heart of the matter: There’s a growing syncretism that’s now attempting to swallow the church.

Doug Pagitt Radio | Roger Olson Pt 1 | 8/7/11

Doug Pagitt Radio | Roger Olson Pt 2 | 8/7/11

Doug Pagitt Radio | Roger Olson Pt 3 | 8/7/11

End Notes:

Back to note 1, accessed 8/8/11.

Back to note 2 — This spurious CSM, a repackaged Roman Catholic mysticism, taught by the dubious duo of Living Spiritual Teacher and Quaker mystic Richard Foster, along with his spiritual twin Dallas Willard, was a core doctrine from the inception of the Emerging Church circa 1997; it’s often referred to as so-called Spiritual Formation.

Far from dead, the upgraded Emerging Church 2.0—through delusions received in spurious CSM—has been busy forging together its new postmodern form of Progessive Christianity theology, a Liberalism 2.0 many call Emergence Christianity, which Living Spiritual Teacher and EC guru Brian McLaren begins laying out in his latest book A New Kind of Christianity.

See also: