It was a privilege in the Lord for me to be a guest once again on the Crosstalk program with host Ingrid Schlueter on VCY America.

Joining us were two other contributors for Christian Research Net, which is now an arm of Apprising Ministries, Pastor Jon Cardwell of Skamon Bay Covenant Church in Skamon Bay Alaska, and Pastor Paul Walker of Elm Avenue Baptist Church in Grand Junction, Colorado.

And as you’ll hear when you listen to Crosstalk here:

The main thrust of the program deals with the emergent church movement… The program [also] highlights certain early warning signs that a church may be moving in the emergent direction. These include the concept of coming into the presence of God through silence, not wanting to allow God to grow your church, new terminology like “deconstruction” and “transformation”, the denial of absolute truth, and the move back to certain Roman Catholic traditions.