“These things you have done and I kept silence; You thought that I was just like you; I will reprove you and state the case in order before your eyes.” (Psalm 50:21, NASB)

The Emergent Rebellion And Its Insipid Man-Love

Let’s put this tired old argument against the historic orthodox Christian faith which Dr. John MacArthur is defending in his excellent book The Truth War to beddy-bye once and for all and let it go nite-nite.

Michael Spencer, the iMonk adrift, did a review of MacArthur’s book not long ago. And in the comments section of Spencer’s review Dan Edelman whines:

Did MacArthur personally sit down with McLaren, Pagitt, Driscoll, Bell, Kimball, or anyone else remotely affiliated with the EC before he wrote his book? I think we all know the answer to that question.

That’s the real sad reality behind MacArthur’s book, one supposedly dedicated to truth. Anytime we who call ourselves Christians fail to personally go to the root, we let truth down. We become less the defenders of truth and more gossips of truthiness. [blah, blah, blah…]

And since iMonk says I’m “without doubt the most disrespectful person on the blogosphere,” I will then do the following concerning Edelman’s snarky sniveling. Did Brian McLaren, Tony Jones, Rob Bell, Dan Kimball or Erwin McManus personally sit down with anyone else remotely affiliated with each one of those like MacArthur who happen to hold to the doctrines of grace before they began defecating upon them?

Well now, I think we all know the answer to that question. So let these men fill up with the measure of their sin unless they repent of this egregious Emergent rebellion against the Bible and its resulting man-centered denial of the absolute sovereignty of our glorious and majestic, great and mighty Creator, the LORD God Almighty.