In this story at MSNBC we read:

Southern Baptist Convention president Dr. Frank Page said Tuesday the denomination needs to set aside internal differences and be both "right and relevant" to revive languishing membership trends.

“When we speak the truth without love, it leads to a cold-hearted legalism that our world has come to say is the caricature of the Christian, and I reject that,” Page said. At the same time, Page said, another danger exists in “a cold-hearted liberalism. “God wants balance,” he said. “He wants us to speak the truth in love.”

It’s sad that discernment in the Slowing Becoming Catholic is nearly in the negative. Although in fairness they are hardly alone as "Protestant" $evangelicalism$ is swallowed up by the contemplative spirituality which originated in aposate Roman Catholicism. Using a veiled variation of the "missional" mantra of the Emergent Church Dr. Page "encourages" us to be united in love rather then be divided by doctrine.

To "revive languishing membership" Page says we must be "right and relevant." No, Dr. Frank Page we need to jettison the semi-pelagian and man-centered new evangelicalism and make full-scale return to righteousness. Note here also that those of us who love the Lord enough to stand for proper Christian doctrine and insist that we preach repentence to arrogant America while lifting up the absolute sovereignty of God Page equates to "cold-hearted" legalists. 

Fine by me, I’d be honored to have a place next to John the Baptist. Pass the locusts and wild honey:

"Therefore bear fruits in keeping with repentance, and do not begin to say to yourselves, ‘We have Abraham for our father,’ for I say to you that from these stones God is able to raise up children to Abraham. "Indeed the axe is already laid at the root of the trees; so every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire." And the crowds were questioning him, saying, "Then what shall we do?" (Luke 3:8-10)