Category: Definitions


MYSTICA SCRIPTURA [(mis’-tik-uh) (skriptər’ uh)] [Mystica:1275–1325; Middle English mystic; Latin mysticus; Greek mystikós, equivalent to mýst (ēs) an initiate into the mysteries + -ikos -ic; akin to myeîn to initiate, teach] [Scriptura: 1250–1300; Middle English and Latin scrīptūra writing. See script, -ure] The teaching that in Scripture all things are not plain, nor sufficient, nor […]


Metaphora Scriptura ([met-uh-fawr’ uh] [skriptər’ uh]) [metaphor:1530s, from M.Fr. metaphore, from L. metaphora, from Gk. metaphora “a transfer,” especially of the sense of one word to a different word, lit. “a carrying over,” from metapherein “transfer, carry over,” from meta- “over, across” (see meta-) + pherein “to carry, bear.” (Related: Metaphoric; metaphorical; metaphorically.)] [Scriptura: 1250–1300; […]


INCLUSIVA SCRIPTURA [in-kloo’-siv-uh] [skriptər’ uh] [inclusiva: c.1600, from M.L. inclusivus, from L. inclus-, pp. stem of includere (see include); equivalent to Latin inclūs (us) (see incluse) + -īvus -ive] [Scriptura: 1250–1300; Middle English and Latin scrīptūra writing. See script, -ure] Belief in an open canon, as opposed to a closed canon, as the word of […]


NEBULA SCRIPTURA ([neb’ yuh luh] [skrɪpt ər’ uh])  [(1375–1425; late Middle English < Latin nebulōsus full of mist, foggy, cloudy; related to Greek nephétē cloud, Old High German nebul cloud, Old Norse njól  night). (1250–1300; Middle English < Latin scrīptūra writing. See script, -ure)]  Hazy, vague, indistinct, irrational, unsound or confused biblical doctrine, theology, interpretation […]


NARCIGESIS [nahr- si -jee’ -sis] [(From: narcissus; 1540–50; < Latin < Greek nárkissos plant name, traditionally connected, by virtue of plant’s narcotic effects, with nárkç numbness, torpor; probably from a pre-Gk. Aegean word, but associated with Gk. narke “numbness” (see narcotic) because of the plant’s sedative effect.) (From: eisegesis; 1890–95; < Greek eisḗgesis, equivalent to […]


SOLA EXPERIENTIA [(soh-luh) (ɪkˈspɪər ee ən’ see uh)] [(1685–95; < Italian, Latin sōlus alone); (1350–1400; Middle English < Latin experientia, equivalent to experient- stem of experiēns, past participle of experīrī to try, test; see ex-1, peril} + -ia noun suffix; see -ence) (Latin ablative, “by experience alone”)] Experience alone—in contrast to the Reformation, which set […]


PLURA SCRIPTURA  ([ploo r-uh ] [skrɪpt ər’ uh]) [(1350–1400; Middle English  < Latin plūrālis,  equivalent to plūr-,  stem of plūs plus  + -alis -al); (1250–1300; Middle English  < Latin scrīptūra  writing. See script, -ure) ((Latin ablative, “by Scripture plus more”)* Consisting of, containing, or pertaining to more than the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments; […]


RE FOR MER GENT (rə for mər’jənt) n., adj. [(1300–50;  (v.) Middle English reformen  < Middle French reformer, Old French  < Latin refōrmāre  ( see re-, form); (noun) partly derivative of the v., partly < French réforme); (EMERGENT n. 1350–1400; Middle English  (< Middle French ) < Latin ēmergent-  (stem of ēmergēns ) arising out […]


CYBERESCHATOLOGY (sī’bər-ěs’kə-tŏl’ə-jē): (CYBER, [GK kubernetes. the helmsman of a boat, especially big warships]; fig. n. leader, controller, governor; of or pertaining to a systemic feedback mechanism; possibly related to CYBORG—n. 1960, machine-enhanced human being, anthropomorphic robot, metaphysical techno-human, computer-human); (ESCHATOLOGY—n. 1844, from Gk. eskhatos”last, furthest, remote” [from ex”out of”] + -logia “a speaking” [in a […]


  DO MER GENT (də mər’jənt) n. [(DOM, from DOMIONION n. – 1400–50; late Middle English  < Middle French  < Medieval Latin *dominiōn-  (stem of *dominiō ) lordship, property, ownership); (EMERGENT n. 1350–1400; Middle English  (< Middle French ) < Latin ēmergent-  (stem of ēmergēns ) arising out of, present participle of ēmergere  to emerge). […]

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