By Ken Silva pastor-teacher on Mar 22, 2011 in Contemplative Spirituality/Mysticism, Current Issues, Emergence Christianity, Emergent Church, Features, Spiritual Formation
By Ken Silva pastor-teacher on Mar 22, 2011 in Contemplative Spirituality/Mysticism, Current Issues, Emergence Christianity, Emergent Church, Features, Spiritual Formation
By Ken Silva pastor-teacher on Mar 21, 2011 in Current Issues, Emergence Christianity, Emergent Church, Features, Homosexuality/"Christian", Jay Bakker
I first became interested in the issues of homosexuality in the early 1950’s when I was a graduate student at New York University centered in Greenwich Village in New York. It was in that particular area I came in contact with every conceivable kind of deviation from the norm, shall we say, and particularly there was […]
By Ken Silva pastor-teacher on Mar 21, 2011 in Current Issues, Emergence Christianity, Emergent Church, Features
By Apprising Ministries correspondent Mike Ratilff of Possessing the Treasure For many, of whom I have often told you and now tell you even with tears, walk as enemies of the cross of Christ. Their end is destruction, their god is their belly, and they glory in their shame, with minds set on earthly things. […]
By Ken Silva pastor-teacher on Mar 20, 2011 in AM Missives, Current Issues, Emergence Christianity, Emergent Church, Features, Rob Bell
I told you in Apprising Ministries: Rob Bell Resources that online apologetics and discernment ministries have been warning you about the warped and toxic teachings of the Emerging Church rock star pastor Rob Bell for years now. I know I’ve been trying to tell you that Bell himself is under the spell of a ne0-Gnostic corruption called Contemplative Spirituality/Mysticism (CSM). Unfortunately this is now pandemic within mainstream […]
By Ken Silva pastor-teacher on Mar 19, 2011 in Current Issues, Emergence Christianity, Emergent Church, Features, Rob Bell
5. Christological Problems Most readers of Love Wins will want to talk about Bell’s universalism. But just as troubling is his Christology. Bell has a Joseph Campbell “The Hero with a Thousand Faces” view of Christ. Jesus is hidden in various cultures and in every aspect of creation. Some people find him and some don’t. […]
By AM on Mar 17, 2011 in Current Issues, Emergence Christianity, Emergent Church, Features, Rob Bell
By Ken Silva pastor-teacher on Mar 16, 2011 in Current Issues, Emergence Christianity, Emergent Church, Features, Rob Bell
I told you in Apprising Ministries: Rob Bell Resources that online apologetics and discernment ministries have been warning you about the warped and toxic teachings of the Emerging Church rock star pastor Rob Bell for years now. I know I’ve been trying to tell you that Bell himself is under the spell of a ne0-Gnostic corruption called Contemplative Spirituality/Mysticism (CSM), which is now pandemic within mainstream […]
By Ken Silva pastor-teacher on Mar 16, 2011 in Current Issues, Emergence Christianity, Emergent Church, Features, Rob Bell
Protestant Liberalism emerged in the 19th century as influential theologians argued for a doctrinal revolution. Their challenge to the church was simple and straightforward: The intellectual challenges of the modern age made belief in traditional Christian doctrines impossible. Friedrich Schleiermacher wrote his impassioned speeches to the “cultured despisers” of religion, arguing that something of spiritual […]
By Ken Silva pastor-teacher on Mar 16, 2011 in AM Missives, Current Issues, Emergence Christianity, Emergent Church, Features, Rob Bell
As a leading online apologetics and discernment work, Apprising Ministries has been warning you about the teachings the Emerging Church icon Rob Bell, co-teaching pastor at Mars Hill Bible Church along with his good friend Shane Hipps. As I told you in Unrest With Rob Bell Inside Mars Hill Bible Church, there are many sincere believers there; my concern is while they […]
By Ken Silva pastor-teacher on Mar 15, 2011 in Current Issues, Emergence Christianity, Emergent Church, Features, Rob Bell
To the teaching and to the testimony! If they will not speak according to this word, it is because they have no dawn. (Isaiah 8:20) Behold The Cult Of A Postmodern Neo-liberalism Apprising Ministries has been blessed of Jesus to be used as one of His leading online apologetics and discernment works for coverage of the warped and toxic teachings […]
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