By Ken Silva pastor-teacher on May 14, 2010 in Current Issues, Emergence Christianity, Emergent Church, Features
Apprising Ministries has been keeping you updated on what’s become the Saga of Sweet. Is Leonard Sweet, a leading theologian in the neo-liberal cult of the Emerging Church, going to speak at Calvary of Albuquerque or not; apparently only his spiritual hairdresser knows for sure. As I said before, despite those of us in this field of ministry […]
By Ken Silva pastor-teacher on May 13, 2010 in Current Issues, Emergence Christianity, Emergent Church, Features
Yesterday in Leonard Sweet Tweet On How To Find God here at Apprising Ministries I told you again that Leonard Sweet is leading theologian in the neo-liberal cult of the Emerging Church. Sweet hides under the cover as Leadership Network as evangelical; and example of which could be found in Skip Heitzig Scheduled To Speak Along With Leonard Sweet […]
By Ken Silva pastor-teacher on May 12, 2010 in Current Issues, Emergence Christianity, Emergent Church, Features, Leonard Sweet
Apprising Ministries has told you before that Leonard Sweet is leading theologian in the Emerging Church; and as you can see in Skip Heitzig Scheduled To Speak Along With Leonard Sweet At Calvary Of Albuquerque, he hides under the cover as Leadership Network as evangelical. Sweet is good friends with Emergent Church guru Brian McLaren and also adheres […]
By Ken Silva pastor-teacher on May 12, 2010 in Current Issues, Emergence Christianity, Emergent Church, Features
Apprising Ministries thinks this really should be obvious enough; and yet, I showed you that amazingly Samir Selmanovic Helps Bring Mosque In NYC Building Damaged On 9/11. Yes, you read that right; Samir Selmanovic, whose bio tells he has been integral to the birth of the neo-liberal cult of the Emerging Church [1], was actually excited to […]
By Ken Silva pastor-teacher on May 10, 2010 in AM Missives, Current Issues, Emergence Christianity, Emergent Church, Features
I know that after my departure fierce wolves will come in among you, not sparing the flock; and from among your own selves will arise men speaking twisted things, to draw away the disciples after them. (Acts 20:29-30, ESV) Doug Pagitt And His Emergent Cohorts Found Among The Above The other day universalist Emerging Church pastor Doug […]
By Ken Silva pastor-teacher on May 9, 2010 in Current Issues, Emergence Christianity, Emergent Church, Features
Self professed Emerging Church progessive theologian Tony Jones, “theologian at residence” in the EC church of his universalist “pastor” Doug Pagitt, himself has announced: I am a proud alumnus of Fuller and happy to be joining the faculty as an adjunct professor. Honestly, it’s unlike any seminary I know of because of its size and its […]
By Ken Silva pastor-teacher on May 8, 2010 in Current Issues, Emergence Christianity, Emergent Church, Features, Theology
The following by Dr. Gary Gilley, pastor of Southern View Chapel, is republished at Apprising Ministries with permission: In the NPP, justification has nothing to do with salvation and everything to do with the church, or community. Declaring that the evangelical church has misread Galatians from ancient times, Wright assures us that he and his comrades have discovered what Paul […]
By Ken Silva pastor-teacher on May 8, 2010 in Current Issues, Emergence Christianity, Emergent Church, Features, Theology
The following by Dr. Gary Gilley, pastor of Southern View Chapel, is republished at Apprising Ministries with permission: In part one of our series on the New Perspective on Paul, we examined the origins and surveyed its basic teachings. We concluded that introduction by stating that the NPP bases most of its theological views on its understanding of the rabbinical […]
By Ken Silva pastor-teacher on May 8, 2010 in Current Issues, Emergence Christianity, Emergent Church, Features, Theology
The following by Dr. Gary Gilley, pastor of Southern View Chapel, is republished at Apprising Ministries with permission: The lovers of God’s truth can be excused if they seem to be a little “under the weather” lately, for everywhere we turn there are attacks on cardinal doctrines of the faith which most of us have considered secure and untouchable for […]