Category: Emergence Christianity
By Ken Silva pastor-teacher on Apr 15, 2010 in AM Missives, Brian McLaren, Current Issues, Emergence Christianity, Emergent Church, Features
Apprising Ministries has been warning you concerning the “big tent” version of Progressive Christianity [read: universalism] still being cobbled together by the likes of uber-liberal Harvey Cox along with his friend panentheist progressive/liberal theologian Dr. Philip Clayton, himself friends with Emerging Church guru Brian McLaren. We know from Scripture that the enemy controling the seducing spirits using such as these is already driving them all […]
By Ken Silva pastor-teacher on Apr 12, 2010 in Current Issues, Emergence Christianity, Emergent Church, Features
Apprising Ministries has been discussing something called A Covenant for Civility, e.g. in Diana Butler Bass On Chris Rosebrough, Ingrid Schlueter, And Ken Silva In Sin, where you’ll find the link to the Crosstalk radio program Bass—one of the original signers—and her friend pastor BrianMerritt took exception. The document can be traced back through Southern Baptist ecumenicist Chuck […]
By Ken Silva pastor-teacher on Apr 10, 2010 in AM Missives, Current Issues, Emergence Christianity, Emergent Church, Features
Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter! (Isaiah 5:20, ESV) Tolerance But For Their Own Beliefs As one who is a pastor-teacher I’m presenting this piece here at the online apologetics and discernment work Apprising Ministries for your […]
By Ken Silva pastor-teacher on Apr 8, 2010 in AM Missives, Brian McLaren, Current Issues, Emergence Christianity, Emergent Church, Features
If you didn’t know, Dr. Denny Burk is the Dean of Boyce College and Associate Professor of New Testament at the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, KY. And today Dr. Burk hits the target dead-on concerning the new kind of progressive/liberal Christianity that Emerging Church guru Brian McLaren has now begun laying it out systematically in his latest book […]
By Ken Silva pastor-teacher on Apr 7, 2010 in AM Missives, Current Issues, Emergence Christianity, Emergent Church, Features, Rob Bell
Apprising Ministries has long been covering the drift of Rob Bell, the rock star Elvis of the Emerging Church with its new version of Progressive Christianity aka Emergence Christianity. And in pieces like Through Rob Bell “The Great Enlightened Ones” Tell Us Man Has Divine Greatness and Rob Bell And Shane Hipps Teaching Mysticism I’ve clearly documented his fall into […]
By Ken Silva pastor-teacher on Apr 7, 2010 in AM Missives, Brian McLaren, Current Issues, Emergence Christianity, Emergent Church, Features
In prior pieces such as Samir Selmanovic: God Is Father Of All Religion and Samir Selmanovic And Being Unable To Follow Jesus Without Islam here at Apprising Ministries I’ve introduced you Samir Selamnovic, an up-and-coming ear-tickler within sinfully ecumenical Emerging Church circles. In fact, in Richard Rohr And The Emerging Church As The Third Way I showed you that Selmanovic […]
By Ken Silva pastor-teacher on Apr 5, 2010 in AM Missives, Brian McLaren, Current Issues, Emergence Christianity, Emergent Church, Features
Apprising Ministries has told you that gay affirming “pastor” Jay Bakker heads up a a rather rapscallion bunch spiritually who call themselves Outlaw Preachers, which is a subset of the neo-liberal cult of the Emergent Church de-formation of the Christian faith. And Bakker wanted to make sure we knew about: via @huffingtonpost: Why Do Evangelicals Dislike Me So Much? (Online source) Following […]
By Ken Silva pastor-teacher on Apr 5, 2010 in Current Issues, Emergence Christianity, Emergent Church, Features
Apprising Ministries introduced you to BrianMerritt, “Senior Minister”of Palisades Community Church in Why Evangelicalism Is Failing A New Generation, As Is The Emerging Church and Fruit Of The New Progressive Theology Advanced By The Emerging Church. The latter post contains his reaction to my deconstructing a HuffPost written by his PCUSA pastrix wife Carol Howard Merritt in the former. The Merritts […]
By Ken Silva pastor-teacher on Apr 5, 2010 in AM Missives, Current Issues, Emergence Christianity, Emergent Church, Features
“You will know them by their fruits.” (Matthew 7:16, NASB) Rotten Progressive Christianity As a pastor-teacher, I offer this here at Apprising Ministries as a real good look at the fruit being produced by the updated Progressive Christianity being spread by the neo-liberal cult of the Emerging Church with its de-formation of the Christian faith called Emergence Christianity. This is the new […]
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